Chapter 4 ~ Let's start a prank war

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Chapter 4 ~ Let's start a prank war

September flew by so incredibly fast. All my classes were really interesting but the homework was just too much sometimes. Turns out that the free hours weren't exactly free. Most of my spare time was spent either in the library or at tutoring lessons.

Malfoy and I were fighting the entire time, but I had to admit that he was kind of smart. I learned a great deal from him and mastered most of the basic spells. Even he had to admit once I was a fast learner. A thing he regretted saying, for I would tease him with it a lot.

Malfoy and I got completely irritated with eachother like....all the time. I saw him three times a week at tutoring lessons. They often lasted until midnight. On top of that I saw him even more since we were partnered up in potions. We were discussing everything and shouting at each other all the time. But surprisingly enough we were the best in potions, so Slughorn stopped trying to get us from fighting. It actually helped creating better potions strangely enough. And what was even more strange, it made us a good team I guess.

Luna, Ginny and I became really close friends and we were spending a lot of time together. I got to know Ron, Hermione and Harry quite good as well. In the weekends we were often hanging out together. I had a great start of the year, well except for Malfoy than.

"POTTER?! Where are you?"

Luna and I were sitting outside in the sun working on some homework. The weather was still quite good for being October and we were determined to be outside as much as we could. We heard footsteps coming closer and an angry voice yelling my name.

"Potter, where the hell are you? I will KILL you!" the voice shouted. A voice I recognized out of thousands. It was Malfoy.

"I'll see you later Luna, I think I better start running for my life now," I told her.

"See you later Alice," she said, not looking up from her homework. I saw Malfoy approaching, and man, did he look pissed off.

"There you are stupid! Say goodbye to your life."

"Goodmorning to you as well... jerk" I said sarcasticly with a little smile on my face.

He was furious. I decided it would be best to get rid of him so I started running. He was shouting at me to stop and ran after me. As fast as we could we were running through the Hogwarts corridors causing a lot of people to look at us. I was laughing as I was running, I couldn't stop. But Malfoy on the other hand was determined to catch me, I don't think I ever saw him that angry.

We ran passed Ginny and Harry. "On the run again?" Ginny asked.

"Oh yes" I shouted out of breath, still running. They were used to this. Malfoy and I took turns on pranking eachother. A habbit we started two weeks ago.

It all started that one day, I was trying out one of the new spells I had learned. Long story short I turned his clothes all pink. I still have to laugh every time I think about it. Needless to say he took revenge for that little prank, after what I took revenge on him again, and so on.... It's a cycle without an ending. It was his own fault though, he was the one who taught me these spells, so I needed to try them out. I love magic!

Blimey, I realized that I had run into a classroom with no way out. Malfoy came in barely two seconds after me and slammed the door shut. "There you are, stupid!" he spat at me.

"Oh hello there jerk, didn't see you there. How are you? The weather is good today isn't it?" I joked to keep our conversation lightly.

"What. Did. You. Do?" he asked me with venom in his voice.

"Ooooh that?" I said innocently. "Are you referring to the love potion I gave Pansy Parkinson and Lavender Brown?" I smirked. I had to admit it, this was the best prank I had come up with so far.

"YES!" he yelled furiously. "They are chasing me wherever I go, they won't leave me alone, I hate them!" I started laughing and couldn't stop anymore. It was just too funny. His face was just priceless.

"Look what this Lavender girl gave me" Needless to say he was still shouting. He actually looked kind of cute, all worked up like that. I shrugged that thought away and ordered myself not to think about his looks. He took a necklace in the shape of a heart out of his pocket. I started laughing even harder, I couldn't remember the day I laughed so much that tears were running out of my eyes.

"I didn't know you were so fond of necklaces malfoy, should I buy one for you as well?"

Suddenly I had a wand pointing at me and I was pressed against the wall. I stopped laughing. "I will get you back for this stupid, you will regret the day that you were born." He walked out of the classroom.

"Have a nice day!" I yelled after him. I grinned, but hoped he wouldn't get me back too hard.

That afternoon I was hanging out with Harry and Hermione in the library. When I told them what happened Hermione gave me a lecture on how I shouldn't involve other people in our pranks. Harry just laughed, he thought it was...genious.

"I will apologize to them tomorrow Hermione!" I promised her.

"Good" she said but I could see that she still didn't approve.

They were helping me with some charms homework for which I was really grateful. We saw someone walking into the library we would have never expected to be there. Especially not alone. It was Blaise, without his fellow slytherins closely by his side.

When he saw us he came over and took the seat next to me. "I had to give you one of these Alice, I hope you can make it!" He was holding a large pile of envelopes in his arms and gave one of them to me.

"What it is?" I asked confused.

"You will see, just open it when you are alone okay?" I nodded and he left the library.

Obviously I was too curious and so were Harry and Hermione. I opened the letter and saw that it was an invitation. Two weeks from now on, there was going to be a secret party in the slytherin common room, and I was invited.

"You are not thinking of going are you?" Hermione asked me.

I considered it for a minute. "I think I might actually go" I decided, "depending on who will go ofcourse. If Luna goes then I think I will as well. It can't hurt to have a party every now and then."

"You're right", she admitted, "but look at the location."

Oh right, the slytherin common room.

AN : PLEASE VOTE OR LEAVE A COMMENT :D I always wanted them to do a pranking war lol!!!

Does anyone have some fun ideas for some pranks they might do ? Please let me know in a comment.

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