Chapter 12 ~ Narcissa Malfoy

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Oh god. I couldn’t deny it to myself any longer now could I ?

I was falling for Draco Malfoy and I knew it.

I had a serious crush on this boy!

Chapter 12 :

A few minutes later nothing much had changed. We were still kissing each other in a tight embrace. Like we couldn’t get enough from one another. Well… I knew I certainly couldn’t get enough of him. His lips felt so good against mine, like they belonged there, like they were meant to be mine to kiss. His lips made their way along my neck and collarbone. He was kissing me with a passion I had only seen one other time in the astronomy.  I knew this was so wrong, but I couldn’t find the strength to pull away. He had me under his spell. And it was the best kind of magic.

We heard noises coming from outside and shortly after a knock on the door. “Draco ?” I heard a woman’s voice say. Quickly I pushed Malfoy away from me and cleared my throat.

“Yes mother ?” I heard him reply.

Wait what ? MOTHER ? Like in…his mother ? I looked at him with a panicked look on my face and wished I had an invisibility cloak like Harry. I had never before seen Draco so uncomfortable. Usually he always had this sort of emotionless poker face but now he looked panicked himself, which made me freak out even more.

Our gazes were drawn to the emerald door handle that was going down like in slow motion. The door went open, revealing a woman with blonde hair and expensive looking clothes. There was no doubt in the fact that she was his mother, the resemblance was remarkable.

When she came inside she looked rather confused. For a minute or two there was an akward silence and once more I wished to be invisible. I had expected her to look shocked or angry when she saw me but surprisingly enough she held a friendly and inviting smile upon her face.

She turned her attention to Draco and went over to hug him. “Mother !” he snarled. “Let go of me !” I saw a little blush appearing on face. On the inside I chuckled for seeing him so embarrassed.

“My dearest son ! You didn’t tell me you were going to bring a guest over.”

“I didn’t know about the portkey mother” he explained. “I wasn’t supposed to bring her over at all. We were just studying.”

She turned her attention to me and gave me a smile. I returned the smile kind of awkwardly, not knowing what to do. Suddenly she hugged me as well which came quite unexpectedly. Well, at least I’m glad she didn’t get angry for me being here… It was an accident after all. Draco’s mother was so immensely different from him. My first impression of her was that she was the most friendliest person ever, I felt welcomed by her immediately.

When I glanced over to Draco I could clearly see how ashamed he was by his mothers actions but I just thought she was a very kind woman.

“I am Narcissa Malfoy, Draco’s mother” she introduced herself to me.

“Good evening mrs Malfoy” I replied politely. “I am Alice.”

When I told her my name her face brightened immediately and a huge smile crept upon her face. “It is surely very nice to finally meet you Alice !”

“What do you mean ?” I asked her.

“Draco has told me all about you dear ! I have been dying to meet you.”

I looked at Draco confounded and curiously about what he had told her. He was definitely trying to hide a blush now. “Mother, please shut up !” he hissed at her.

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