Chapter 24 ~ I don't want to lose you

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AN : Hello to you all! I know that it has been a little while but I am so busy with school it's unbelievable. I know that this chapter might be a little shorter than normally but I'll try to post again very soon!!!! I hope you like it.

Chapter 24 : 

The day after my dates I walked happily over the Hogwarts grounds. It was still very cold, so I wrapped my scarf tightly around my neck. I couldn't keep the huge grin off my face though, as I took a glance at my new broomstick that I was carrying. 

When I arrived at the Quidditch field, nobody was there yet. It was the first time that I came here actually, and it looked absolutely enormous from the ground. I walked towards the middle of the field and looked around me, enjoying the cold air on my face. Malfoy was probably too late, as he always was, so it couldn't hurt to give flying a try right? How hard could it be?

I placed myself on the broomstick and wondered what to do next. I had seen Harry fly a couple of times before and he always made it look so easy. I concentrated on flying and getting up in the air, and put a little force on the broomstick, urging it to go up. At first I thought nothing was going to happen. When I was about to give it up, I felt myself go up in the air so incredibly fast that I was afraid about falling of. I let out a scream of surprise before crashing to the floor, hard. 

I rolled a little further until I bumped into something. I let out a cry of pain and stayed on the floor with my eyes closed. Someone started chuckling and crouched down beside me. I opened my eyes to look into Malfoy's. He held out his hand to me, still laughing. I rolled my eyes and took his hand, getting on my feet again. Malfoy didn't stop laughing, and I just stood there, embarrassed. 

"Let's forget that this ever happened alright? Just teach me how to fly," I muttered ashamed. I felt his hand touch my hair, making me look into his grey eyes that were looking at me in amusement. He withdrew his hand and held some grass in it. "Oh god, did that came out of my hair?"

"It did," Malfoy said, still smirking. "I don't think that you need my help anymore to learn how to fly. I can immediately see that you're a natural talent."

I narrowed my eyes at him, starting to get irritated. "Whatever Malfoy."

"So..." Malfoy started with a little cough, "Are you and Blaise like...together?" He looked at me with questionable eyes.

"What?" was my first response. "No of course not. Like I said before, we were just chatting. But then again, maybe you're deaf."

"I can't help it that you flirt with everybody" he said matter-of-factly. Damn this boy knew how to make me pissed.

"I flirt with everybody? Maybe I just have friends, unlike you." I shouted, losing my temper. "If you would stop being so blind, maybe you would notice the truth Malfoy. But you can't stop being a prick can you?"

"You know what Potter? I am disgusted with you" Malfoy shouted back at me. Not before I saw a flash of pain go through his eyes though. "I think it's best to do this another time."

"For once I think that you are right Malfoy" I said, much calmer. "We are arguiing for almost half an hour now and I'm freezing. Lets just go back." 

"You're cold?" Malfoy asked, almost caring. I saw him taking a few steps towards me and I felt like I couldn't move. I nodded, not trusting my voice. My heart started racing, as it did so often when he looked at me like that. And then, it was gone. He turned around and started walking back to the castle.

I couldn't hide the dissapointment on my face as I followed him. When we were back inside the castle it was already time for supper so we went our seperate ways. I dropped my broomstick back under my bed and went to the great hall to get something to eat. I noticed Luna and Ginny sitting at the Gryffindor table so I joined them there, taking small bites. 

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