Chapter 35 ~ Into the woods

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AN: Hello my lovely readers. I know that this is not such a long chapter. I have been abroad the last weeks and I will go again in couple of days, so it was either a short chapter, or another month of waiting. I do hope that you like this one :) I'll post again as soon as I'm back home again!

Chapter 35:

When we walked outside I noticed how chilly it had gotten. I cursed under my breath. Stupid Snape. If Harry and I would have just been a tiny bit faster he wouldn’t have caught us in the hallways. I folded my arms on top of each other to warm up a bit. Blaise looked over his shoulder at me. He smirked and took my hand, tugging it so I was by his side, leaving Harry and Draco behind us awkwardly. He hung his arm around me casually, still smirking down at me. “How are you tonight, Alice?” he asked me nicely. There was mischief sparkling in his eyes.

“I was really good, until we saw you guys. No offense” I replied. I made sure that I wasn’t talking too loudly since Snape wasn’t too far ahead of us.

“I’m hurt” he mocked. He clutched his heart as if in pain, like he was slowly dying.

I rolled my eyes at him. “I’m always happy to see you Blaise. I just wouldn’t mind crawling in my bed and staying there forever right now. This isn’t really how I pictured to spend the rest of my night.”

He groaned. “I feel exactly the same. We must be soul mates”

Snape turned his head furiously. “Be. Silent.” He spat creepily. I wouldn’t want to be alone with him, ever! Not for all the galleons in the world. He turned around again.

Blaise came closer to me and started whispering in my ear. “I am sure that Draco would like to kill me right now.” I looked him the eye, confused, but he just shrugged.

I took a glimps behind me. Harry was just walking, looking bored. Draco on the other hand was giving Blaise deathglares, he seriously looked like he could kill him any minute. I felt like we have been here before. I just rolled my eyes. When he caught me looking at him, he quickly looked away, a cold expression taking over his face.

When we reached Hagrid’s cabin I was getting seriously cold. “I hope this isn’t going to take all night” I muttered in Harry’s direction. He just grunted something back in response. He clearly lost his good mood from earlier this night. Not that I could blame him. Snape left us there, luckily. It was still a detention but I much rather spent the night in Hagrid’s company than in Snapes.

“Right”, Hagrid said, scratching the back of his head. “I didn’t really expect any of you lot here tonight. Detention in the forbidden forest for students, it should be prohibited.” He shook his head in disapproval.

“Why don’t you just let us go back then” Malfoy retorted cheekily. I just rolled my eyes at him, the annoying bastard.

“Prick” Harry muttered under his breath. They really hated each others gut with passion and it had only gotten worse.

Draco took a step towards Harry and took out his wand. “What were you saying, Potter?” His voice was full of venom. His eyes full of hatred.

“Enough” Hagrid intervened, standing in between the two boys. “Enough!” He waited until they took a step back before continuing. “Let’s split up into pairs then, or you boys will kill each other before you even get into the forest.” I groaned. At this point I’d like mostly to be paired up with Blaise, at least he was fun to be around. Harry would just interrogate me further about Malfoy. I had been trying to avoid that chat but I knew that he hadn’t forgotten about it. Malfoy on the other hand was just being a sensless prick tonight and I didn’t really feel up for that.

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