Chapter 19 ~ Merry Christmas

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AN : Hello lovely readers !! I know it has been a while but I was in spain for a couple of weeks. But here is my extra long chapter as promised ! The next one should be out within a week. Please vote and comment your opninion, I'd love to hear them !

Recap :

I was holding on to the sides of the pool in the corner. Malfoy just kept coming closer and closer to me until we were just inches apart. I felt our legs touch under the water and would have expected Malfoy to pull back but he didn’t. He moved even closer so we were fully touching with our bodies.

My mind was driving me insane. All I could think was : kiss me. 

Chapter 19 :

“There’s something I need to tell you” Malfoy whispered, his eyes never leaving mine.

I just nodded at him, urging him to go on. I felt speechless, captivated by his cold grey eyes that were now holding something warm inside of them. He tucked a string of hair behind my ear, stroking my face gently while he did so. My breath got stuck in my throat, I didn’t dare to make any sound.

He opened his mouth while thinking of the right thing to say when we heard footsteps in the corridors. We broke away from our gaze to look at the door that was slowly opening. Inside came a house elf, holding a lantern.

In less than a second Malfoy let go of me and got out of the pool looking at the little creature with a furious look in his eyes. The house elf stumbled backwards with a terrified expression when he saw Malfoy.

“What are you doing here ? I don’t like to be disturbed” he spat at the poor little thing.

“Y-your mother a-asked me t-to get-t you” the creature whispered. “M-master.”

“Fine. Now go.” All the coldness had returned in his eyes and his voice. He didn’t need to say that twice as the elf quickly left the room.

Without looking at me once Malfoy took a towel from a chair and dried his hair. I climbed out of the pool myself and did the same, sneaking glances at his body. I couldn’t help myself but to stare at him as little drops of water fell down from his chest to the floor. How I could be attracted to such a jerk was a mystery, but I guess I was.

“I’m sure you’ll find your way back” he told me coldly. He turned around and left the room, leaving me alone. It took me more than half an hour to find my room back and by the time I did I had gotten pretty pissed at Malfoy.

The next morning at the breakfast table Malfoy acted exactly as he did most of the time. He was cold and distant and didn’t say much, it looked as if he didn’t sleep at all. Narcissa tried to make him participate in the conversation but we all knew it was a lost case. In the end Narcissa and I talked about Christmas and our plans for the holiday.

Sometimes it seemed as if I could get to the nice side of Draco Malfoy. That very, very, very maybe deep down inside he cared a little about me as well. But whenever he got close to opening up to me he’d shut down and ignore me again. I didn’t want to like him but I did, no matter how hard I tried to hate him. Of course he was an irritating jerk and I was mad at him at all times but there was still something else. There was something about him that made me like him but I couldn’t quite figure out yet what that thing was.

“When will you start tutoring Alice ?” Narcissa asked her son.

“This afternoon at 4 o’clock” he  said casually. Then he turned to me, “Don’t be late.”

In response I only rolled my eyes at him, not even bothering to say anything.

I enjoyed myself that day by making homework, I convinced myself that if I did it early I wouldn’t have to do anything for the rest of the holidays. What else did I have to do anyway ? After breakfast Malfoy had disappeared into his room and he hadn’t come out since. I often wondered what he was doing and what was on his mind, but I couldn’t bring myself to ask him. It wasn’t like I was going to get answers out of him anyway.

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