Chapter 25 ~ Love

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Chapter 25 :

The rest of that night was a blur. I hung on to Draco as if my life depended on it. I vagely remember Snape coming in the bathroom, looking shocked. He told me, quite friendly actually, that I had done a good job so far looking out for him, and that he would take it from there. He started chanting a spell over and over again, and slowly the blood dissapeared. A few minutes he went on like this, taking a little bit of pain away. My fears had become less, seeing him heal Draco.

"This is all I can do" Snape said, after a while. He looked exhausted and worn out.

"I will take him to the hospital wing," I said. I was too worried about Draco and I probably couldn't sleep even if I tried to.

I had never seen madame Pomfrey so distressed until I brought in Draco. I didn't even know that an old woman like that could run around with such speed. She immediately put him in a bed, with my help, and said more healing spells.

She gave me a cream which should heal the wounds and scars on his skin. I promised her to apply this cream three times a day and that was excatly what I did the next couple of days.That night and the following day I spend all my time in the hospital wing. I didn't even think about leaving Draco's side until Luna came up to me.

A soft hand was shaking me gently. The sound of a familiar voice woke me up. "Alice. Let's go to the great hall to get you some food. We're all so worried about you."

"Hi Luna," I croaked, still tired. I didn't sleep more than two hours last night so I was pretty tired right now. I opened my eyes and immediately looked at Draco, who still looked like he was peacefull asleep. Madame Pomfrey had told me to be patient, that it could take a little time for him to wake up. But being patient was so difficult at this point. If he could just wake up and insult me, than at least I would know that he was allright.

Luna stood up and tugged my arm. "I really do think that it's time for you to eat something and to get some sleep of your own my dear."

I nodded, only half aware of what I was doing, and obediently followed Luna outisde of the hospital wing. Even though I hadn't eaten all day, I didn't feel as hungry as I probably should have felt. I excused myself fairly quick and went to my bedroom to change into my pyjama's. Before finally going to bed, I made some homework in order to clear my mind a bit. 

There was a knock on the door so I expected Luna to be there but to my surprise it was Harry. "Do you mind if I come in?"

I frowned at his insecurity. "Of course not Harry, why would I ?" I made some space on my bed for him to sit.

"I am so sorry about what happened Alice." He started. I swallowed, not really sure if I was in the mood to talk about Draco. "I was so fed up in the moment. And when he started firing all those spells at me I lost it. I know that it wasn't the smartest thing to fire a spell at him that I didn't know. I hid the book you know. I don't want anything like this to happen ever again."

I sighed and took his hands in between mine in a supportive manner. "I know that you didn't mean any real harm Harry. It's just...he hasn't even waken up yet since he lost conciousness."

He nodded seriously. There wasn't any tention between us, I always felt comfortable with Harry, our moods just weren't too bright. "Alice. I know that what happened is really bad, but you really seem to care about him...personally."

I shrugged. "I don't know Harry. Everything is so messed up and confusing."

Suddenly Luna came in the room and brightened the spirit a little. Harry stayed for another half an hour or so before leaving to his room. I knew that he would still talk to me about the whole Draco thing, but for one day, I had enough.

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