Love Me Not-Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

Alicia's P.O.V

I woke up bright and early on a Monday morning. Today was the day, I'll be starting my last year of high school. I'm Alicia Maxwell, I'm 17 and I live in Beaufort, South Carolina. I live with my mom, dad and older sister Kaylee.

I walked into the washroom and decided to take a warm shower. I put my Iphone in the dock and blasted my favorite song at the moment, Daylight by Maroon 5. As I was in the showering I started belting out the lyrics to Daylight.

"Here I am waiting, I'll have to leave soon, why am I holding on?" I got out of the shower and wrapped myself in a warm towel. I walked back into my bedroom and starting looking through the closet wondering what to wear. After scanning through my wardrobe, I found the perfect outfit! Distressed dark blue denim jeans, my white knit sweater and grey Vans. I curled my hair and just put on some mascara and foundation. It was almost 8 am and school starts in 30 minutes. I should grab something to eat. As I went downstairs I popped a slice of toast into the toaster. I noticed my parents were sitting in the dining room eating breakfast. Of course my sister was still asleep because she doesn't work Mondays. "Good morning mom and dad." I greet them giving them each a peck on the cheek. "Good morning Alicia!" They greeted in return. As I returned back to the kitchen to grab my toast I received a text from my best friend Seth Jacks. Seth and I have been best friends since the fourth grade. We've done almost everything together. It was not until grade 8 I realized I had a big crush on him. I know that's so typical, all girls fall for their best guy friend. But honestly Seth is the sweetest and most caring guy ever. I didn't think this crush on him would last long... but I was wrong. I still have a mad crush on him.

I opened up the text from Seth which read:

"Hey Alicia still need a ride?" I know sounds so stupid I'm 17 with no license. Whatever Seth being the caring best friend he is always offers me a ride.

"Yeah, be at my house in 10" I rushed eating my toast and ran to my bathroom and put on my favorite lip gloss that Seth always compliments it's a good color on me. I threw my backpack over my shoulders when I heard Seth's car horn beep. "Bye mom! Bye dad!" I yelled while walking out the door. I stopped on the passenger side to Seth's Volkswagen. He got out of the drivers side. He wore is hair to the right side of his head, wearing a beanie, skinny black jeans and a green sweatshirt... it outlined his toned body perfectly. Mmm he looks so hot.

Seth's P.O.V

I walk over to Alicia. Damn my best friend is so pretty. No one knows this but... I've been crushing on Alicia since the tenth grade. She's honestly so cute and beautiful. Any guy would be lucky to have her... but I want to be that guy. "You look pretty Alicia." I said embracing her in a hug. She was not hesitant to hug back. "Thanks Seth... You don't look too bad yourself." I opened the passenger door open for her to get in my car. I then went to the drivers side and drove to school.

When we pulled into the school parking lot, I noticed our 2 best friends. Justin and Lowrie. The four of us are practically family. "Yo Justin!" I yell. Justin walked over to me and I pulled him into a friendly embrace, followed by our handshake. I then gave Lowrie a hug. Alicia pulled Lowrie into her arms and gave her a tight hug. "I missed you so much Low!" Lowrie started laughing then said "Alicia, girl I just saw you last week!" Then they started laughing. Justin had his arms open for a hug from Alicia. I may of said I hadn't told anyone about my crush... But Justin is like my brother, I tell him everything.

Alicia's P.O.V

I pull away from Justin's hug and look at Seth... He looked... Jealous? Did Seth? No! No theres no way Seth Jacks my best friend has a crush on me back. He may compliment me saying I'm 'pretty,Cute...etc.' But that doesn't mean he likes me. We're best friends.

I walked to English class with Lowrie and we waved bye to Justin and Seth. The only classes the 4 of us have together are second,fourth and sixth period. Which is Chemistry,Calculus and Health. Me and Lowrie made it to room 215 up on the second floor.

First and second period flew by in what felt like 2 minutes! "Low.. Is it weird I'm really excited to see Seth even though I just saw him not even an hour ago?" Lowrie just laughed.

"Ahh Alicia you totally are head over heals for this boy."
"He probably doesn't even like me back.. I mean look at me! I'm so bleh!" Lowrie had her mouth in agape.
"Alicia are you on drugs?! Seth is totally crushing on you back. Me and Justin notice him flirting with you all the time! C'mon you aren't blind are you?" I let that sink in for a minute. Low did have a point.. He has flirted with me before... And he was jealous when I was hugging Justin.. "I'm still not convinced." I said sighing. "You'll notice it sooner or later." Lowrie said.

A/n: Hey! This is my first story so thanks for reading the first chapter! Hope you enjoy




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