Love Me Not-Chapter 12

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Chapter 12

Seth's P.O.V

I felt so sick. My vision was so blurry I can't even find Alicia or Kaylee. I dropped to the floor and began crawling around the people moving everywhere. I kept crawling until I could find a bathroom. With my luck I found one and hopefully I was in one. I began throwing up into what looked like to be a toilet. My head began throbbing like crazy. My head flopped to the wall behind me and I just sat there for a good 5 minutes.

I didn't even realize that I fell asleep because I was being shaken awake by Ben.

"Seth? Seth? Are you ok? Wake up! Alicia is looking for you. She's leaving. C'mon get up!" I heard Ben saying.

"I-I'm here. I'm awake." I said stumbling to my feet. Ben then took my hand and guided me out of the bathroom and back into the kitchen to Micheal.

"I found Seth in the bathroom asleep. Can you go get Alicia and tell her that we found Seth." I heard Ben yell to Micheal over the loud music.

My head began to throb again.

"I'll be right back. Give Seth a piece of gum his breath smells horrible." Micheal said as I heard his foot steps leaving the room.

Alicia's P.O.V

When I turned around to see who grabbed my waist it was Micheal.

"Micheal... What are you doing?" I asked in confusion.

"Ben and I found Seth. He was in the bathroom sleeping. Just wait here I'll go grab him." Micheal said.

I stood in front of the door waiting for Seth. 10 minutes later Seth stumbled into my arms.

"Alicia.. Is that you?" I could smell alcohol and peppermint on his breath.

"Yes it's me Seth were going home." I put an arm around my boyfriends shoulder and guided him to Kaylee's car.

I opened the back door and helped Seth strap himself in. There's no way I'm letting him return back to his place in the state he's in. His parents would kill me for letting him drink so much.

"Kaylee just go straight home. Seth will stay over for the night."


With that we were home in 25 minutes. I helped Seth out of the car and we walked inside. Looks like my parents were asleep so we had to be extra quiet. I helped Seth up stairs and I told him to lay in my bed.

I went into my washroom and removed my makeup and washed my face. I then changed into a baggy pj shirt and pulled my hair into a messy bun. I walked back into my bedroom with extra blankets and tossed them on the floor as I helped take Seth's shirt off.

"Wait stop... " Seth mumbled. "I have a girlfriend." I went silent for a minute. I wasn't even gonna say anything back. I let him take off his shirt and jeans. I then picked up the blankets on the floor and laid beside him.

"I love you." I whispered then pecked his lips. He was already asleep but doesn't hurt to say it.


When I woke up this morning I had the worst headache! I rolled over to face Seth but when I rolled over he wasn't there. I got up, out of my bed and walked downstairs. As my feet were on the cold hard wood floor, shivers went up my spine.

I walked into the kitchen and saw Seth making waffles and Kaylee was sitting eating toast in her work attire.

"Good morning babe." I said as I hugged Seth from behind.

He turned to face me then smiled when he came face to face with me.

"Happy Birthday Alicia." He said then the embraced me into his arms.

I tried pulling away but Seth pulled me closer and kissed my lips forcefully.

"Don't mean to interrupt your moment but I want to wish my little sis a happy 18th birthday before I leave for work." Kaylee said pulling me away from Seth.

"Haha thanks Kaylee. Love you." I said hugging her waist. Kaylee is very tall compared to me... She's 5'10 and I'm 5'4. She's lucky she found a boyfriend that's taller than her... Because Michael is 6'2.

Kaylee hugged me back then left the room and out the front door for work.

Seth finished making his waffles then told me to close my eyes. I heard the sound of whip cream being squirted and smelled raspberries and candle smoke.

"Open your eyes." Seth ordered.

I opened them and I was in awe. Their laid a plate of three waffles with whip cream and 3 raspberries and 2 sparklers on top.

"Happy Birthday to Alicia... Happy Birthday to you!!!" Seth sang quietly.

Voice of an angel...

I waited for the sparklers to die down so I could remove them and enjoy this yummy breakfast!

Seth removed the sparklers then handed me a fork and knife.

"Thank you so much Seth." I said while I leaned over my island and pecked his lips.

"Anything for my girl." He replied with a wink.

Seth's P.O.V

When I woke up this morning I realized I was sleeping beside Alicia. She looks so cute when she's asleep. I quietly snook out of the bed and out of the bedroom.

I walked downstairs and saw Kaylee cooking breakfast.

"Morning." She said as she grabbed her cup of coffee and sat at the kitchen table.

"Morning." I greeted her back.

"Do you mind if I use the waffle maker?" I asked Kaylee.

"Seth.. Just because you and Alicia are dating now that doesn't mean you don't have permission to use our things." Kaylee Replied.

I chuckled then began making waffles for a birthday breakfast for Alicia. 

Just as I was making the second one Alicia walked in looking more beautiful then ever. I swear if she was in a crowd with other woman she'd still stand out to me. Even if she's in a baggy batman t-shirt, with no makeup and a messy hair.. she's beautiful.

I'm glad she's all mine.

A/N: hey readers! Sorry for updating so late again.. Schools almost done which means faster updates.. Yay!

Sad news there's only going to be 8 or 9 more chapters left :(

Hope you enjoyed this chapter!




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