Love Me Not-Chapter 17

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Chapter 17
Alicia's P.O.V
Me and Seth walked outside to his car and drove me home. It was kind of a silent drive but peaceful.
We pulled into my driveway and said our goodbyes for the night.
While I was walking up to my house I realized that I forgot my key. Softly knocking on my door, I waited for someone to open it. Just then my mom opened the door, engulfing me into a hug.

"Hello sweetie." She said bringing me into the house and waving to Seth.

"Hi mom."

"Have you been with Seth all this time?"

"Yeah... I texted Kaylee to tell you. I'd thought she would've said something. Sorry."

"It's alright, as long as your home and you were safe, I'm happy." She smiled. I smiled back.

"I have some Math homework to do so I should get started on that.. love ya mom!" I said giving her a hug. She returned the hug and said

"I love you too Alicia." I grabbed my bag from the floor and went upstairs to my room. I got up to my room and changed into a tank and sweats. I threw my hair up in a pony tail and then started my math homework.

-1 hour later-

I finished my math homework and I was so bored. I started flipping through tv channels to find something to watch. I finally settled on a Teen Wolf marathon on MTV.

After the first 2 episodes I got a text from Seth.

S: hey babe sorry I took so long to text you, my phone died.

A: it's no problem.

S: whats up?

A: im just watching teen wolf, trying to unwind, you?

S: doing health homework :/

A: ew i hate that class. I hate how its mandatory to take every year in high school.

S: right?! I cannot wait for finals.

A: Only a few weeks left!

S: and im counting down each day.

A: my phones about to die babe!! I'll talk to you tomorrow. Xx"

S: okay sleep tight! Love you so much! Xx"

I woke up the next morning having the need to throw up. I ran out of my bed and ran as fast as I could to the washroom. Kaylee then walked in and began rubbing my back. I flushed the toilet and went to rinse my mouth.

"You alright Alicia?" She asked still rubbing my back.

"Yeah... Just a little nausea." I replied.

"You sure?"

"Well I didnt really have dinner last night so my stomach is kinda empty.."

"Oh that sucks! Maybe take some gravol or try eating a little more for breakfast today." Kaylee said while opening the medicine cabinet.

"Uh okay I will." I said grabbing the gravol from her hands. I left the gravol bottle on the counter while I took my shower.

Ahhh the warm water is so soothing. I got out of the shower and quickly wrapped myself in a towel before the cold air hit me. I walked back to my bedroom to find something to wear. I decided on sweats and a hoodie just to keep it comfortable. I changed then went back to my bathroom to do my hair and makeup.

I just put my hair in a ponytail and put some eyeliner and mascara on. I grabbed the gravol and walked downstairs. Since I had extra time this morning I took Kaylee's advice and made myself a bigger breakfast. French toast and an egg. Afterwards I took some gravol and I waited for Seth outside.

Seth's P.O.V
I just left my house and got into my car. Off to pick up Alicia! I pulled into her drive way and waited for her to come in. As she walked towards my car, I couldn't help but notice how cute she looked! She got in and turned to kiss me.

"Well hello to you too baby." I said pulling away from her. She smiled then kissed me again.

"I think I have an obsession to kiss you every time I'm with you." She blushed.

"I think I do too." And I went in to kiss her. She giggled then we drove to school.

We pulled into the parking lot and I noticed Justin outside his car holding Becca's hand and talking with her... Damn Justin's smooth. Then out of no where Justin leaned in... And he kissed her. Justin just kissed Becca...

"Are you seeing what I'm seeing?" Alicia said stunned.


"Justin and Becca.... Kissed!!" She cheered. I laughed at her cuteness then got out of the car. Alicia did the same and followed me into the school.

Justin's P.O.V
This morning I texted Becca that I was gonna drive her to school this morning and all she needs to do is give me her house address. Which was: 1267 Autumn lane.

I pulled down the street and looked on the right and left side for 1267. I inched closer and closer til' I found her house. I turned the corner of the street and there it was. I parked my car on the curb and walked up to her house. It was a medium sized house. Very nice looking from the outside, 2 garages, a garden with no flowers and one huge pine tree.

I rang her doorbell and waited for her to answer the door. When she answered the door I heard this loud screaming noise coming from behind her.

"Hi! Sorry about that. That's just my 3 year old brother." She said out of breath. I laughed and said,

"It's no problem love. We better get going so I don't get you in detention for being late on your second day of school." She giggled then grabbed my hand and let me guide her to my car.

Once we got to my car, I opened the passenger side door for her to get in. The very first thing she did when she got in the car was ask

"Is It okay if I turn on your radio?" She's so cute I swear.

"Yea of course it's okay." She smiled then turned it on and somebody to love by queen blasted through the speakers.

"Ahh! I love this song!" She shrieked. I could hear her British accent so clearly. I laughed at her cuteness as we turned into the corner to the school. Wow I never realized that she lives 5 minutes away from the school and only 10 minutes away from my house.

We pulled into the school parking lot and I got out and went to the passenger side to open the door for her.

"Such a gentlemen." She said smiling. God her smile looks so beautiful on her.

"We're 10 minutes early. We can stay and chat for a while." I said whilst checking my phone.

"Okay.." She grinned.

"So how are you liking South Carolina so far?" I asked.

"It's actually really nice here. It's definitely not as cold as London in the winter." She laughed.

"That's a good thing then!"

"It really is.."

"Umm.. Becca can I ask you something?" I asked.

"Yea anything."

"Would you like to go bowling Friday night with me?" I asked nervously.

"Are you asking me on a date?"

"Y-yeah I guess I am." I said grinning.

"I'd love too! Pick me up at 7?" She said giving a toothy grin. I then put my arms around her waist and pulled her into me. I leaned in and she connected her lips to mine. She wrapped her hands around my neck. Our tongues danced around in each others mouths for a few seconds.

Then we heard 2 car doors slam beside us. We pulled away and saw Seth's car and Alicia and Seth walking into the school. Damn they were probably watching us the whole time! God I got to talk to Seth about this... ASAP!

A/N; HEEY SEXPOTS<33 woah 253 reads!? Thanks so much!! Hope you like this chapter 'cause next chapter there's gonna be some drama and something you will hate me for.





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