Love Me Not-Chapter 26

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Chapter 26

Alicia's P.O.V

Okay so they haven't played any slow songs and it's been an hour and a half.

"Seth.." I whined.

"Yes babe?"

"My feet are starting to hurt. All the music is fast and upbeat! Can we go request something slow?" I asked Seth. He chuckled.

"Sure lets go." Seth took my hand and guided me to the DJ stand.

"Excuse me!" Seth yelled over the loud music.

"Yeah?" The DJ replied.

"Can you play something slow?"

"Yeah bud." Seth nodded and we walked away.

Moments later a slow song came on. 'A thousand years by Christina Perri'

"This song goes out to all the couples that have been waiting for that one special dance during a slow song." The DJ said in his mic.

Seth then grabbed my waist and I wrapped my arms around his neck.

"Alicia?" Seth asked.


"Wanna stay the night at my place?"

"Sure." Seth smiled cutely.

"Have I ever told you that you have the most cutest smile?" Seth's eyebrows raised up.

"Nope not once ever." I giggled.

"Well it's true."

"Thanks I guess?"

"It's a compliment Seth. Don't worry." Seth began to laugh.

"God I love you so much." He whispered in my ear.

"But I love you more."

"Nuh-uh! I do!" Seth said back. I tugged on Seth's neck to lower it and bring his head closer to mine. I leaned in and kissed him. It was a rather long kiss. I could feel the passion and love and want in it.

I pulled away and said

"I think I win this time." Seth grinned.

"Want to leave now?" Seth asked. I nodded my head in response.

I didn't bother going to find Becca and Lowrie to tell them me and Seth we're leaving. I'll just text them later.


We pulled into Seth's driveway and walked out of the car. With our luck his parents and brother were out so we have the whole house to ourself.

We walked to the front door and Seth unlocked it. The moment we came in Seth began kissing my neck hungrily. I let out a small moan.

"Seth... Babe stop." I moaned in his ear. I didn't think he would stop  but he immediately did when I asked.

"Oh my god. I'm so sorry Alicia. If you're still wanting to wait then we can wait. I didn't mean to come onto you so hungry like that." I grinned at him.

"But what if I told you I do want this to happen?" I said with a lot of confidence in my voice.

Seth's panicked face turned into a smile.

"Well if you want this.. Then we'll make it special. Let's go up to my room." He said practically pulling me up the stairs.

"Someone's a bit eager." I laughed out of breath as we made it to the top of the stairs. Seth just looked at me with such a big smile on his face.

"Alicia you don't understand how long I've waited to do this properly with the right person. What I did with Taylor wasn't right. What I'm about to do with you... It feels so right." I felt my cheeks heat up a bit at that comment.

"Seth I love you so much and I couldn't imagine my first time with anyone else but you." Seth was now smiling.

He put his hands on the back of my thighs, then whispered

"jump." I did as he asked and jumped up. He walked to his bedroom with me on him. He gently put me down and started kissing me again. Without a doubt I kissed him back. As our lips were moving in sync, he began un-zipping my dress which left me in my bra and panties.

"God dammit Alicia! You're so beautiful." I laughed at this.

"Seth you've seen me in a bikini before and never said a thing. Then the moment I'm in lingerie you say my body is so beautiful." Now Seth was laughing.

"But this time I'm going to see what's underneath." He said with a smirk. I felt an urge to start ripping his clothes off so I wasn't the only one pratically naked.

I removed his dress shirt and tie. Followed by his belt. I ran my hands over his toned body and he just let me be. He didn't even say a word for me to stop or not.

"Enjoying my body babe?" He chuckled seductively. All I could do was nod in response. Seth then kicked off his pants and threw them to the ground.

I flipped us so then I could be in control. I started kissing him on his neck leaving bite marks near his ear. (Yup definitely a hickey will form) Seth groaned in response. I then felt a bulge on his crotch. I put my hands on my back unclasping my bra. I let him toss it to the ground.

"You have great boobs babe."

"Mhm." I mumbled out.


Before we knew it we were completely naked. After teasing each other for 10 or so minutes, Seth opened his side table drawer and grabbed what appeared to be a condom package.

"Whenever you're ready babe." He said slipping on the condom.

"I'm ready now."


Seth's P.O.V

I woke up the next morning seeing clothes everywhere. I thought back to the night I had with Alicia... It was so amazing.

I looked beside me and saw a naked Alicia sound alseep. I wrapped my arm around her and pulled her closer.

"I love you." I whispered in her ear. I didn't expect her to be awake but she was.

"I love you too." She said back.

I kissed her right temple and slowly I fell back asleep.

A/N: well things got a bit smutty don't you think? Haha. I know this chapter probably isn't the best.. But I wanted to have something posted. Like I've said before I won't be making a sequel to this and I've made up my mind that I will only be writing 2 more chapters + an epilogue. Thank you everyone whose read my book. It truly means a lot :* please don't be shy to





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