Love Me Not-Chapter 16

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Chapter 16
Alicia's P.O.V
Today is Monday. Wow winter break went by fast. I turned off my alarm clock which read 6:15am. I groaned as I got out of bed and groggily walked into my bathroom to shower. I turned the water on and let it run until it became warm enough. I rested my iPhone on the counter and had my music shuffled. 

I stripped off my pjs and entered the warm shower. I got goosebumps when the water first hit me. Once I got used to it I first washed my face, followed by washing my hair and conditioning, then I washed my body and got out.

The minute I got out a gust of cold air hit me. Brrr! I wrapped a towel around me and went to my room to get dressed. I went to my drawer and pulled out a pair of leggings, then I went to my closet and grabbed a zip-up sweater and a metallica t-shirt. Once I was dressed, I dried my hair and straightened it. I put on some foundation,concealer, mascara and lipstick. I grabbed my converse and my school bag and went downstairs.

I walked into the kitchen to the smell of fresh cinnamon buns. I sat down at the island and grabbed a plate.

"Good morning Alicia." My mother said.

"Morning mom." I replied back then taking a bite out of my cinnamon bun.

"Mmm." I moaned after the first bite. Then Kaylee walked into the kitchen with 2 Starbucks coffee cups.

"One white chocolate mocha for Alicia!" Kaylee said handing me the drink.

"Aww thanks Alicia!" I said hugging her. I took a sip of the drink, not even realizing how hot it would be.

"Ouch! Too hot!" I said fanning my tongue. My mom and Kaylee just laughed. After my tongue felt better I heard the sound of Seth's car horn beeping.

"Well that's my ride I'll see you guys later! Bye mom! Bye Kaylee!" I said walking out the front door. When I got outside I saw Seth leaning against his car.

"Good morning beautiful." He said pulling me into a hug.

"Good morning Seth." I said into his neck. I pulled away and kissed him with so much passion.

"I love you." Seth said into the kiss.

"I love you more." I replied. Seth opened the passenger door for me and I got in.

We drove to school babbling on who loves who more. The most stupidest argument ever. When we pulled into the school parking lot, I groaned not happy to see the school.

"You okay Alicia?" Seth asked.

"Yeah, just not happy to see the hell hole we call school." I replied. Seth just laughed and got out of the car. I did the same and followed Seth into the school. Damn today is so cold out! It felt so good walking into the warmth of the school. I said bye to Seth and walked to my locker to grab my books for English with Lowrie. Speaking of which I haven't seen Lowrie all morning... I wonder where she is...

Lowrie's P.O.V
"Alicia is probably worrying where I am. We have english together." I said to Marco. Today I gave Marco a ride to school and we spent extra time in the car making out.

"Do you want to resume after school?" Marco asked flirtatiously.

"Definitely." I nodded smirking. I got out of my car and walked towards the school hand in hand with Marco. I kissed Marco on the cheek and left to my locker to grab my English books. Just as I started walking to class the bell rang. Crap. I began running to class and with my luck the teacher wasn't in the room yet. I joined Alicia in the back and sat down beside her.

"Where have you been?" She asked.

"With Marco." I replied.

"You didn't do anything.. risky right?" Alicia asked. Oh dear lord of course she'd ask that.

"No! Of course not! We've only been dating for a week anyways!" I replied.

"just checking..." Alicia replied with a smile. Before I could say anything else in return our English teacher walked in.

"Sorry class I'm late. Lets get started!" She said setting her brief case on her desk.

Seth's P.O.V
Today went by so quickly! The bell just rang for the end of the day. I found Alicia at her locker and went to talk to her.

"Hey babe! Wanna come to my place after school?" I asked her hoping she'll say yes.

"Yeah sure." She replied.

"Great lets go." I grabbed her hand and we walked out of the school and towards my car. Me and Alicia got in and we drove to my house.

Once we turned the corner of my street Alicia took out her phone and texted someone.

"Who you texting?" I asked just curiously.

"Just my sister to let her know I'm at your place."

"Oh okay." I replied simply and parked the car. When I got out Alicia did the same then followed me into my house. By the sound of things no one was home so me and Alicia went up to my bedroom.

"Seth, I'm gonna go use the washroom" Alicia said while plopping her bag on the ground.

"Okay, I'll be in my room!"

Alicia's P.O.V

I got out of the bathroom and saw Seth lying down on his bed. His eyes slowly closing but then opening again. 

"Mind if I join you?" I asked quietly.

"Not at all, Ali" Seth replied smiling.


What I didn't realize was that we fell asleep. I nudged Seth but he didn't budge.

"Seth wake up!" I whispered/yelled.

"Wha-what happened?" He asked.

"We fell asleep. It's 6pm."

"Okay I should probably drive you home. I wouldn't want you to be late for dinner." Me and Seth walked outside to his car and we drove back to my place.

Justin's P.O.V
Man I can't get out of my head what happened this morning with Becca...

Once Becca got into the school, I went up to her and introduced myself again.

"Hey Becca, it's Justin."

"Haha I remember. I wouldn't forget someone like you."

I blush at her words.

"So let's start this school tour!" She cheered.

"Yes let's get started." First we went to the office to get her schedule and locker then I showed her where her locker was and lucky for me her locker was 5 down from mine.

As I was showing her where her homeroom class is she tripped and fell. All of her books fell to the ground, so being a gentlemen I bent down and helped pick up her books.

Her soft hands touched mine and stopped me from picking up her books. I felt her gaze on me. I looked up into her eyes and we both leaned in and we kissed. Her lips were soft and tasted like cherries. She pulled away and began blushing like crazy.

"I'm sorry... You're just... So... Cute..." She blushed even more this time. I caressed her cheek and pulled her in for another kiss. The kiss was just as good as the first.

"Don't be sorry. The kiss was amazing.. y'know what? you're pretty adorable." I said smiling at her. Which made her blush again. Sadly our moment ended when the bell rang.

"We should get to class. We'll have to pick this up later." Becca said.

"Yeah we should." Was all I could say.
I am not one to be in committed relationships. I have had my fair share of flings over the course of my high school years but I think its time I changed that. Becca has me totally whipped.

A/N: hi readers! Hope you enjoyed this chapter of love me not & the cute Seth and Alicia part!!




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