Love Me Not-Chapter 25

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Chapter 25
Alicia's P.O.V
I was currently curling Lowrie's hair while we were jamming out to some music on the radio. Which followed by me burning myself... Twice. But I'm okay now.

"Are you almost done? I want to see my hair!" Lowrie begin to whine.

"Girl patience! Remember I already burnt myself twice.. I don't want bandages all over my hands by the time prom starts." I argued back. Lowrie shrugged then didn't let out another peep.

After another 10 minutes, Lowrie's hair was curled and she styled it however she wanted it.

Now it's my turn to do my hair.. Which is most likely going to take 30 minutes. I quickly checked my phone which the time read 6:55pm.

Alright so I have 35 minutes. I can do this. Thank god I did my makeup before.


"Do you have everything, Ali?" Lowrie asked for the fifth time.

"Yes, yes! Now let's hurry up the guys are going to be here soon and I know my mom is going to want to take pictures."

We walked slowly down the stairs because of our heels. God I hate them but it ties the look together real great. So, so be it!

"Alicia! Lowrie! Your dates are here!" My mom cheered from the front entrance.

I started getting chills and nervous. But why? It's just prom not my wedding.

You're madly in love with your boyfriend and you can't wait to see him in a tux and for him to see you in your dress.

I said to myself. Which is 100% true.

Seth's P.O.V
I sat in Alicia's living room next to Marco and Ben. I heard heels clicking against the floor getting closer to the room. Me and Marco sat up holding a box with a corsage in them. Alicia came scurrying towards me holding the end of her dress, then letting it go to hug me.

"Hi baby." I heard her mumble into my shoulder.

"Hey." Now that we pulled away and had a better view of each other she was breath takingly beautiful. Her dress complimented her body so perfect and her hair looked so soft and she wasn't wearing too much makeup either.

"A-Alicia... You look extremely pretty." She blushed then grinned.

"Thanks Seth. You look pretty handsome yourself."

"Thanks babe." I handed her the corsage. "For you m'lady." She giggled.

"Put it on for me?" I chuckled.

"Of course." I removed the lid of the box and slipped it onto her wrist.

"Wow this is really pretty Seth."

"Well I must know you well then. I knew you would like this." She blushed again.

"Before everyone goes! Can I get a few shots of everyone?" Mrs. Maxwell came running in.

"Of course Mrs. M." Lowrie said.

"Great! So who would want to go first?"

"Uh I guess me and Seth could?" Alicia spoke up.

"Alright honey. Do you mind standing infront of the window?" Alicia shook her head and guided us towards the window.

I wrapped my arm on her shoulders and she wrapped her arm around my torso.

"Ah perfect pose! Nice show your lovely smiles." Alicia's mom said.

"Cheese!" Me and Alicia said in unison.

"Oh they look wonderful! Ben since you don't have a date why don't you join this photo with Alicia and Seth?" Alicia's mom suggested.

"Alright with me." Ben replied.

"Great. So Ben stand on the right side of Alicia and Seth stay on Alicia's left."

Once Ben joined us Mrs. M was ready to take the picture.

"Wonderful job! Okay so Lowrie and.."

"Marco." Marco chimed in.

"Lowrie and Marco stand in front of the window now." The two of them walked to pose Infront of the window and posed the same as me and Alicia did.

"Copy cats." I whispered into Alicia's ear causing her to giggle.

"Mrs. M? Mind if you take a pic of all of us on my phone?"

"No of course not! Pass me your phone." Lowrie handed her phone to Alicia's mom and we all went to join Lowrie and Marco Infront of the window.

"Everyone smile!"

"Cheese!" We all said in unison.

"You guys should get going now. Drive safely!" Mrs. M said.

"Yeah mom you're right and don't worry we will."

"Have fun everyone!" I heard Mrs. M yell from the living room.

We exited Alicia's house and made our way to my car.

Alicia's P.O.V
We got into Seth's car and drove to the school. 

I was getting so eager to see how the gym would look and have that perfect slow dance that all the girls in the books and movies have with that one special guy.

There was just small talk in the back seat between Ben,Marco and Lowrie. Me and Seth remained silent all the way to the school.

I looked out the window to see that we've arrived at the school.

"Alright ladies and gents. We've arrived at our destination." Seth said sophisticated as he put the car in park.

We all exited the car and walked into the school.

"Wow everything is so pretty." Lowrie said in awe.

"Agreed." I said back.

"Well are we just going to stand Infront of the gym doors admiring everything on the outside when we haven't even seen the inside?" Ben said opening the doors for us.

"We're coming! Just go on in first." Lowrie waved her hand towards the door that Ben was holding.

"Suit yourself. I'm going in." Ben walked inside.

"We should go in now too." I mumbled to Seth.

"Yeah c'mon." He said grabbing my hand.

Seth pulled me behind him and we entered the gym. Everywhere looked amazing!

Those little dangly lights hanging from the ceiling and the school colours on ballons tied to the punch table and surrounding the entrances. The theme of the prom pinned up on a banner. Which is 'midnight memories' and the music was awesome.

"Would you like to dance?" Seth asked me.

"Yes of course." I grabbed his hand and he guided me to the floor. But there was one problem.. I'm a shit dancer.

"Seth.. I'm shit at dancing.." Seth just chuckled at me.

"Don't worry babe, so am I. Just sway your hips to the music until slow songs come on." I laughed.

"Okay Seth whatever you say."

A/N: here's chapter 25! Eek they're finally at prom! Hope you guys enjoyed the chapter and I just want to thank everyone so much whose read this story for the 813 reads! I honestly didn't think many people would read this and enjoy it so this means so much to me that people do read it.

Please don't be shy to...




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