Love Me Not-Chapter 23

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Chapter 23

Alicia's P.O.V

I woke up the next morning and found myself cuddling with Seth in my bed. I watched Seth's chest rise up and down every time he inhaled a deep breath. I don't know why I was watching this but something about it was.. mesmerizing. My fingers crawled up Seth's chest and I brushed his lips with my index finger then pecked them lightly. Seth's eyes fluttered opened and he smiled once he saw it was me.

"Goodmorning beautiful." He said in a very sexy morning voice. But I felt myself warm up once he said that and I could feel my cheeks going red.

"Mornin' sleepy head." Seth looked over at my dock to check the time which read 9:15.

"Mm more like thanks for waking me up at 9:15 on a Saturday." I giggled at this.

"Woops sorry." Seth laughed then pecked my cheek. "What did you want for breakfast babe?" I asked him.

"Mm whatever you want.." I rolled my eyes then sat up on the bed. "Well your just making this harder!" Seth just laughed at my frustration. I sighed then got up.

"I'll just make bacon and eggs.. You okay with that?"

"Like I said earlier whatever you want." I nodded my head then left the room.

I walked downstairs to already see Kaylee and Micheal making breakfast. "Morning Ali." Kaylee said.

"Morning Kaylee & Micheal." Since Micheal was working on the bacon, he just waved his hand at me.

"So did you and Seth do anything..." Kaylee asked smirking.

"Uhh how did you know he was here?"

"'Cause when I walked pass your bedroom 30 minutes ago yours and his arms were wrapped around each other." I felt my cheeks heat up.

"Oh.. Haha.. And by the way nothing happened."

"You sure?" Kaylee asked again smirking.

"I'm 100% telling the truth that nothing happened Kaylee." Micheal started chuckling.

"Atleast one Maxwell kid is still a virgin." Micheal mumbled.

"Ugh shut up Micheal!" Kaylee said lightly smacking the side of micheals head. I could see Micheal forming a grin on his face.

"Whose still a virgin?" Seth asked as he walked into the kitchen. I felt my face heat up and Kaylee began to laugh.

"Shut up Kaylee!" I yelled causing her to laugh more. I ignored her laughter and turned to Seth.

"I'm still a virgin, Seth." I whispered in his ear. "I know that baby.. And that's okay with me." I smiled at Seth then helped Micheal make the eggs.


After a delicious egg and bacon breakfast (courtesy of me and Micheal) me and Seth went back to my room and we talked more. We're trying to push away everything that happened and forget about Taylor.

Seth ended up falling back asleep after 20 minutes.. I guess he wasn't joking when he said 'thanks for waking me up at 9:15' he really was tired.

Since he was asleep I decided to run a bath. If he's so tired then he shouldn't mind. I slowly walked out of my bedroom and walked towards the bathroom. I turned on the water and waited for it to warm up. As it was warming up I pulled my hair into a bun then stripped off my clothes. The water to seemed warm enough so I stepped in.

Ahh this is so relaxing. I laid back and closed my eyes.

Seth's P.O.V

After breakfast, Alicia and I went back to her room and we talked some more..(And doing the cute couple things).

"So how did that sex/virgin talk come up?" I asked Alicia. She was obviously embarrassed by this so she immediately went red in the face.

"Uhh.. When Kaylee walked passed my room this morning saw us cuddling underneath my blankets and she of course assumed we had sex.. so Micheal was all like 'at least one Maxwell kid is still a virgin'..." I burst into laughter. Alicia not seeing what was so funny still looked down nervously. I tilted up her face so we were now eye contatct level.

"Alicia listen, I'm not gonna pressure you into anything. When you think your ready then that's fine. I don't care how long it is. As long as I'm your first and only." She smiled at this then planted a kiss on my lips. I wasn't hesitant to kiss her back. I felt electricity flowing through my body. (After all we haven't had a proper kiss since Wednesday). There was so much passion and lust in this kiss... But I had to pull away to take a breath.

I started trailing kisses on a Alicia's neck and lightly bit on her sweet spot. A smile formed on Alicia's face as I began to lick the area that I bit.

"Your mine Alicia. Always remember that." I said after I finished on her neck.

"I know." She smiled. After talking some more I ended up falling back asleep.


I woke up and checked my phone. The time read 10:45. Was I really asleep for only 20 minutes?!

I turned to my side to realize Alicia wasn't there anymore. Confused, I sat up and walked out of the room.

I heard humming coming from the bathroom. Trusting my instinct I knew it was Alicia's voice. I lightly knocked on the door.

"Alicia? Are you in there?"

"Yeah I am. You can come in if you like.." I nodded my head and walked in. There was Alicia in the tub full of bubbles. I laughed at how small she looked compared to the mountain of bubbles.

"What are you laughing at?" Alicia asked sounding so confused.

"Nothing. It's just that you look very small compared to the mountain of bubbles covering you." Alicia rolled eyes.

"Haha very funny Seth... Do you mind grabbing me that towel hanging behind the door?"

"Not at all." I grabbed her the towel as she removed the water stopper from the bath.

"Um Seth...? Mind turning around?" I felt my face heat up.

"Oh right. Sorry." I mumbled then turned my back to her and gave her the privacy she asked for.

"No peeking!" I could see a smile forming on her face as she said that. Seconds later she then said

"Okay you can turn around now." I turned around to see my girlfriend wrapped in a long fluffy towel.

Hey that's good to say again.. 'My girlfriend'.

I walked towards her and wrapped my arms around her waist, followed by me giving her a kiss at the top of her head. Alicia then wrapped her arms around me and pressed her head against my chest.


"Yes baby?"

"I love you." I smiled down at her.

"I love you too."

A/N; hello loves!! There was a lot of Seth and Alicia in this chapter! (which I hoped you enjoyed) I've had bad writer's block for the past few weeks so finally some ideas came into mind! I want to try to update weekly again so y'all don't have to wait forever anymore! Lol. But there's only 3 more chapters left :( please:






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