Love Me Not-Chapter 18

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Chapter 18
Becca's P.O.V
Tonight is mine and Justin's first date! I'm so excited! I hope he asks me out soon 'cause honestly I can't handle his teasing!

I kept my outfit simple for our date 'cause it was only bowling anyway. I wore skinny jeans and a pink and blue plaid shirt. I left my hair down and only wore mascara and eyeliner for makeup. I sprayed on some perfume and I was satisfied with my look.

I heard the doorbell ring as I was walking out of my room. I went to open it and there stood Justin with a grin on his face.

"Hello Becca. Are you ready for me to kick your ass? Excuse me, I meant a game of bowling." Justin said smirking.

"Mhmm you can think that all you want but we'll see who kicks ass after this match." I smirked. I walked out of my house and yelled out.

"Bye mom! Bye dad!" And locked the front door. Justin guided me to his car and we were on our way to go bowling!

We pulled in the 'The all star bowling alley' parking lot and immediately started walking to the front entrance. We went to the front desk to grab some shoes.

"Excuse me ma'am?"Can we get some bowling shoes?" Justin asked placing his hands on the desk.

"Sure thing. What sizes do you need?"

"I need a size 11." Justin said.

"And I'll need a size 7." The lady nodded her head and went to grab our shoes. 2 minutes later she returned and handed us our shoes.

"Thanks!" I said and started following Justin to an empty lane. He chose one of the last lanes. I was looking at the bowling ball sizes. The heaviest was 16 pounds! How the hell am I supposed to use that thing!

"These balls too heavy for you?" Justin asked. Damn this boy reads minds too?!

"No.." I lied.

"Becca... You don't have to lie to me.. If the balls are too heavy we can get a few lighter ones."

"Can we please?" It almost sounded like I was whining. Justin laughed then went to the shelves to grab lighter balls.

"9 pounds okay with you?"

"If that's the lightest that's fine." Justin nodded his head and returned with 2 9 pound balls.

"So whose going first?" I asked Justin.

"Lady's first right?" He grinned then handed me the ball. I went up to the alley and I was about to roll the ball when I felt to muscular arms wrap around mine.

"Justin aren't you cheating? I mean you said you were going to kick my ass... and now you want to help me?" Justin laughed.

"No this is a practice round... So I can help you and you can help me, then game on!" Justin said with a wink.

"Haha okay seems fair."


After a tough game of bowling I won! But Justin insists he let me win. He just can't admit that I beat him at this game.

We pulled into my driveway and I just stayed in Justin's car for a minute.

"I had a good time tonight." I said to Justin.

"Me too." He replied with a smile.

"Becca can I ask you something?" Justin asked more serious.

"Yeah anything."

"Becca... Will you be my girlfriend?" I felt butterflies in my stomach and my cheeks heat up.

"Yes I will!" I said smiling.

"Good 'cause I wanna do this too." Justin leaned in and kissed me with so much passion. I kissed him back and our lips began moving in sync. I pulled away slowly. I felt my lips drag slowly away from his.

"That was the best kiss ever." Justin said blushing a light pink. I felt my cheeks heat up. I went in and pecked Justin's cheek.

"Bye Justin. Text me!" I said while getting out of his car. I walked up to my door and unlocked it. Once I was in the house I slowly slid down the door into a sitting position. Wow I can't believe Justin is my boyfriend.

Alicia's P.O.V.

~4 months later~
Wow I can't believe its already May! So much has happened in the past 4 months. Justin and Becca are dating, Ben has a girlfriend and one of my old friends from middle school is starting to hang out with me a lot more.

Her name is Taylor. Me and her became friends in the eighth grade. She was a really great friend and she got along with Lowrie too. So technically she was mine and Lowrie's good friend.

Taylor started dating Seth in tenth grade. I began not being able to hang out with Seth as much and that ended mine and Taylor's friendship. Seth broke up with her 6 months into the relationship 'cause it looked like Taylor was purposely taking Seth away from me and Seth didn't like that 'cause we're best friends and that isn't fair to me.

So for the past month Taylor has been trying to become mine and Lowrie's friend again and she keeps apologizing for being a bad friend during that time. Me and Lowrie decided to give her a second chance and lately she's been acting really nice towards us... a little too nice. Since last week Lowrie and I have been getting suspicious. Another thing that I caught was Taylor trying to get closer to Seth... Which has been really pissing me off. I don't know if she's realized this but me and Seth are together now and I'm giving you a second chance as my friend. Don't ruin it for yourself honey.


After school, Seth has baseball practice. Taylor has been coming with me to all Seth's practices. She insists its to spend more time with me... but I think its just an excuse to get closer to Seth.

After practice today I waited for Seth near his car 'cause he was my ride... But he's been almost 30 minutes and normally Seth's 15minutes tops. I started getting curious so I decided to go back into the school and to the locker rooms to find Seth. I walked through the side doors and walked to the boys locker room. I knocked on the door.

"Seth babe you in there?" No answer. I knocked again, this time a little harder.

"Seth are you there?" I said louder. Still no answer. I knocked a third time, I basically smacked the door.

"SETH ARE YOU IN THAT CHANGEROOM?!" I heard a muffled yell and I pushed open the door. I was in shock. I was hurt at what I'm seeing. Taylor pulled Seth towards her and placed her lips to his. Seth didn't even try pulling away.

"Seth! How could you do this to me!?" I yelled and began walking out of the locker room. I felt the tears starting to spill from my eyes.

"Alicia! Stop! It wasn't what it looked like!" Seth yelled to me. He caught up to me and grabbed my arm and pulled me around to face him.

"Really? So you weren't just kissing Taylor a minute ago in the locker rooms!?" I screeched, trying to pull out of Seth's grip. He remained silent.

"My point made. Seth how could you do this to me? Or how could you do this to us!? I love you so entirely much and yet you go kiss Taylor!? Seth honestly if you want Taylor back then you could've told me! But no attempt hooking up with her behind my back and hurt me even more." Seth still remained silent and began to tear up again.

"You know what? Don't ever speak to me again. In fact don't ever come near me again. Goodbye Seth." Tears now coming out like tsunami tides as I pulled myself out of Seth's grip.

"Alicia... She kissed me... and I do love you... A lot...." I heard Seth mumble behind me. As badly as I want to turn around and go hug him and kiss him and say I love you ... I can't and I won't. Seth betrayed me. He doesn't deserve my forgiveness.

A/N; BAM! Seth and Alicia drama! Sorry there was no update last week. I try my best to update weekly. But for sure I'll try to have an update for next week(:
Hope you enjoyed this chapter!! Xo





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