S1E3: Lone Gunmen

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I walk into the hideout seeing Oliver pull on a chain that's connected to 4 cinderblocks. " Hey." I say.

He looks over. " Hey." He says.

" So, uh, I'm having an issue at my apartment, so I am going to stay here for the night." I say.

" Okay, that's fine." He says and does some research. I go take a shower as he leaves. He built a little bathroom here so I am able to. I finish and put on some pajamas.

The next day is my day off so I am hanging out with Tommy and Oliver as they are talking about a nightclub. " What do you think?" Oliver asks. " Great spot for a nightclub or what?"

" Sweet." Tommy says. " Though I gotta tell you, man if you're thinking' about calling it Queens I don't think you're gonna get the clientele that you were hoping for."

I follow them around the building. " Private office." Oliver says and points.

" For the private one-on-one meetings I would imagine." Tommy says.

" Hopefully the occasional two-on-one meetings." Oliver says. I instantly look at him.

" You two have threesomes?" I ask.

Him and Tommy chuckle. " Yes we do." Tommy says.

" Interesting." I say.

" Man, are you sure you wanna do this?" Tommy asks. " It's not like you really have any experience in running a well, running anything." Oliver looks at Tommy. " How about tomorrow night the two of us we go and scope out the competition. There's a new club opening downtown. It's called Poison. Max Fuller owns it."

" Max Fuller?" Oliver asks.

" Mm-hm." Tommy say.

" I slept with his fiancee" Oliver says.

" Yeah, before the wedding." Tommy says.

" It was at the rehearsal dinner." Oliver says.

" The rehearsal dinner is technically before the wedding. Right?" He asks as they both laugh. " And besides, who stays mad at a castaway? Ah, damn it, I gotta roll." Tommy leaves.

I look around the building and then look at Oliver. " So, what do you think?" Oliver asks Diggle.

" Well, I'm here to provide security, sir, not a commentary." Diggle says.

" Oh, come on, Dig, do me a favor. Speak freely, please." Oliver says.

" Well, this is the Glades, right?" Dig asks. " Your rich white friends wouldn't come to this neighborhood on a bet."

" I am Oliver Queen, right?" Oliver asks. " People would stand in line for three hours if I opened a club."

" And no one who actually lives in The Glades would see a penny of those cover charges." Dig says.

" We make it a successful business we gentrify the neighborhood." Oliver says.

" I was wondering when we would get to that." Dig says. " The white knight swooping in to save the disenfranchised. And all by his lonesome with no help from anybody."

" Wow." Oliver says. " You don't think very much of me, do you?"

" No, actually, sir, I have a very high regard for how perceptive you are." Dig says. " Sir."

Oliver looks at me. " What about you?" He asks.

" Pretty sure you already know my opinion." I say.

" Also I would like it for you to come with me and Tommy to the club tomorrow night." He says.

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