S1E7: Muse of Fire

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I am at the hideout listening to Taylor Swift as I have nothing to do today for right now. I think for a moment and realize Helena will be coming in soon.

Oliver comes storming in and goes straight to hitting the boxing thing. I look at him knowing what's happening. " Hey." I say.

He looks at him. " Hey." He says angry.

Diggle walks in and sees Oliver training. He walks up to him. " Oliver, your mom was nearly killed." He says. " I think you can take a day off from training."

" My mother wasn't the target." Oliver says and he begins to walk to the computer. " This man was. Paul Copani. He was trying to close a deal with her when they were shot at. Copani works for Bertinelli Construction and Frank Bertinelli"

" The mob boss?" Diggle asks. I stand up and go over to them looking at the computer.

" I did some digging. Copani isn't the first member of Bertinelli's crew who's been hit." Oliver says and lets out a deep breath.

" You did some digging?" Diggle asks as he walks around.

" Bertinelli has a lot of enemies. The best way to figure out who's trying to target his organisation is to get inside of it." Oliver says and look at Diggle for a second before looking away.

" So let me get this right, Oliver. Your mother's shot at, nearly killed and the way you process this emotionally is by going undercover with the mob." Diggle says looking at Oliver like he's crazy.

" I'm not trying to process it emotionally." Oliver says and looks at Diggle.

" Yeah, well, maybe that's your problem, man." Diggle says as he sits on a table. " You ever thought about just being there for your family?"

Oliver takes a deep breath. " I tried that today with Thea. She told me I wasn't being honest with her and she's right. I can't very well explain to her that u left our mother alone and bleeding on the pavement because I'm fast enough to almost run down the attacker." Oliver says looking at Diggle. " But what I can do is protect my family." Oliver stands up. " And, Diggle.. when I found out who this guy is he's a dead man."

" Or woman." I say. They both look at me. " What I know everything."

" Who is it?" Oliver asks.

" Can't tell you, don't want to risk messing up the timeline." I say.

I am still in the hideout with Diggle as Oliver is out. I roll my eyes as Diggle talking about Oliver making a sacrifice going to dinner with Helena. He notices. " You good?" He asks.

" Sorry, i just don't like Helena." I say. " Yes she's pretty, but not a good person."

" Can you tell me why?" He asks.

" You'll actually find out in an hour or so." I say and run a hand through my hair. Oliver walks into the room. " Or right now."

" I don't understand. Why is she targeting her family?" Oliver asks.

" I don't know. And here I thought you had parental issues." Diggle says.

" She has a personal vendetta, but you'll find that out soon enough." I say.

" It's not a joke Diggle." Oliver says.

" Oliver, you're not falling for this girl, are you?" Diggle asks and I start to sip on some tea. " Because I know you can't be that crazy. Helena Bertinelli shot at your mother. She also murdered four men in cold blood.

" She has to have reasons for what she's doing." Oliver says.

" Reasons?" Diggle asks. " Since when do you care about the bad guys reasons. Oh, she is the bad guy, Oliver. She's the killer. And whatever's going on in your head you better get it straight, man. Any attempt on his right hand is gonna send your new friends father on the warpath."

" I know what I'm doing." Oliver says.

" Now I know how your family feels when you lie to them." Diggle says before leaving. I look at Oliver he looks at me.

" All I can say is good luck with her." I say before leaving for the night.

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Their Ultimate Soulmate
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