S1E5: Damaged

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I leave with Diggle to somewhere. " Okay, so how did Oliver pull you into all of this?" Diggle asks.

" He didn't actually, I was already here." I say.

" What do you mean?" He asks.

" You're going to want to sit down." I say and he sits on the couch.

" Go ahead." He says.

" I'm from another world, in that world this one is a tv show." I say.

He looks at me like I lost my mind. " Yeah right." He says.

" I'm telling the truth." I say. " I literally waited a year for Oliver to show up."

" What do you mean by world?" He asks.

" Like universe or earth." I say.

" I don't understand." He says. I grab some paper and explain it the way Barry does. " Oh that's makes some sense."

" Yeah, so on my earth you guys exist just in comic books and the silver screen." I say.

" So you know everything?" He asks.

" Yes I do." I say.

" Why didn't you say anything before?" He asks.

" Couldn't risk changing things." I say. " By the way, can you teach me to fight so I could defend myself for just in case."

" Of course." He says. We both leave for Olivers house. We walk up to the room and Diggle knocks.

" Yeah?" We hear Oliver say. Diggle opens the door and we come in. " Thank you for coming. Shut the door."

" I guess it was just a matter of time before the police caught up with you." Diggle says and I go sit on a chair.

" Except they didn't." Oliver says.

" Oliver they got you on video." Diggle says.

" I knew the security camera was there just like I knew the police would review the footage and arrest me." Oliver says. " All part of the plan."

" So you wanted to get arrested?" Diggle asks.

" Well, I returned to Starling City and a few days later, the vigilante appears. Sooner or later, somebody was gonna make the connection." Oliver says.

" So what part of serving yourself up to the cops will help you avoid going to prison for the rest of your life?" Diggle asks.

" There's more to it." Oliver says.

" Well, there better be, for your sake because your family is freaking out downstairs." Diggle says. " Oliver, your mother and your sister just got you back, and now you're gonna put them through a trial, maybe even worse? Don't you care?"

" Of course, I care." Oliver says. " The mission comes first." I just sit there as they talk about the mission. " Megan, can you show him to the hideout?"

" Of course, but I will talk to you later." I say.

" Of course." He says.

I take Diggle to the hideout. He looks around amazed. " Wow." He says and I giggle a bit. I laugh when he pricks his finger on the arrow.

" You know you love this." I say.

" Hell yeah I do." He says.

" So how's Lyla?" I ask.

He looks at me surprised. " How did you know?" He asks.

" Show remember?" I ask.

" Right." He says.

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