S1E8: Vendetta

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Megan's pov

I am in the hideout with Diggle when Oliver comes in and starts to do handstand pushups.

She is wearing this^^

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She is wearing this^^

" I don't know where the next Olympics are but you might wanna think about signing yourself up." Dig says and walks over to Oliver as I follow. " So you wanna talk about last night?" Oliver doesn't say anything. " The last time you and I spoke you were on your way to stop Helena Bertinelli from her one woman war against the mafia. How'd that work out for you? Nick Salvati, Frank Bertinelli's right hand was found with his neck snapped, along with a few of his thugs. Was that her or you?"

Oliver finally stands up. " I was with Helena when Salvati jumped us. We didn't have a choice." He says as he walks away. Me and Diggle follow him.

" We?" Diggle asks.

" She knows, Diggle. About me. It was my secret or her life." Oliver says as he walks to the salmon ladder.

" It's not just your secret anymore, Oliver. And this woman is a killer, she's been dropping bodies all over the city." Diggle says.

" She's not what you think she is." Oliver says turning to Diggle. " Three years ago she was gonna turn her father into the FBI. She put everything she had on him on a laptop. Her father found it, thought it belonged to her fiance and had him murdered."

" Alright, alright, listen, that's a heavy thing, man. But it doesn't change the fact that she is dangerous. And if Bertinelli retaliates against the Triad or is perceived to the Triad it's gonna rain down hell and innocent people are gonna be killed." Diggle says.

" She's lost, Diggle." Oliver says as he boost himself onto the bar. And whether she knows it or not, I can save her. Stop her from doing anything reckless."

" Thats just it. You can't save her. Okay? Some people don't change." Diggle says.

" She can. I can help her." Oliver says.

" Alright." Diggle says as he walks in front of Oliver. " Maybe you think you're more persuasive than you are. Or maybe she thinks she's fine the way she is on her mission of righteous fury. Whatever it is, either way, all of this...it ends badly."

" Either way..I gotta try." Oliver says.

They both look at me. " I'm not getting in the middle of this." I say. The next day comes around and I'm in the hideout again but wearing work out clothes. I am using the punching bag. Diggle and Oliver have been training me a little bit.

I hear footsteps and I look over to see Oliver with Helena. " Hey." Oliver says.

" Hey." I say.

" Who is this?" Helena asks.

" I'm Megan." I say.

" Ah." She says before he helps her with the bow and arrow.

" Ah,ah. Relax. Relax, relax, relax. Now, pull back gently. You need all three fingers to come off the bowstring at the same time. Relax. Breathe. And release." Oliver says. Helena fires and misses. I quietly laugh as I hit the punching bag.

I decide to mind my own business as I continue to hit the punching bag. I see Diggle walk in I smile and wave. He smiles and waves back before he sees Helena and Oliver. He walks over and leaves against a beam. " Diggle , this is Helena, Diggle is my, uh associate." Oliver says.

" Well, any associate of Oliver's." Helena begins to say before Diggle interrupts her.

" Is absolutely nothing to you, ma'am." He says. I silently cheer him on.

" I'll leave you to associate." Helena says before she leaves the room.

" She knows my name. That's lovely." Diggle says.

Oliver sighs and says. " You can trust her." He says.

" Except I don't." Diggle says. " You sleep long with this girl, Oliver?"

" I don't think that's any of your business, Diggle." Oliver says.

" It became my business when you brought me into this." Diggle says. " When I signed on, I  told you I was gonna keep your head straight. But Oliver you're lonely, lonelier than you wanna admit. And that's why you think you can change this girl because you need to think you can. You're like a door fiend who thinks he can deal with his own addiction by making another addict go straight. Oliver what you do is dangerous. And getting confused about who's good and who's bad is a good way to get yourself dead."

" You done?" Oliver asks.

" Yeah, I'm done." Diggle says. " With this. Everything else? I don't know. I don't know, Oliver. You tell me." Diggle walks out.

Oliver looks at me. " I'm not going anywhere, I know everything remember?" I ask.

" What do you think about her?" Oliver asks.

" In all honesty never really liked her, she was only in like 4 episodes or so." I say before leaving the hideout.

Hours go by and I just had some Big Belly Burger with Diggle as we were talking about Helena. " In all honesty she's not necessarily important to the story she's only in like 4 episodes out of all 8 seasons." I say.

He was about to say something when he gets a text. " It's Oliver." He says.

" Ah, let's go then." I say and we go to the hideout.

We walk in and head over to Oliver. " Didn't expect to hear from you tonight." Diggle says. " Something happen?"

Oliver sighs. " I think you were right." He says.

" Okay. About what part?" Diggle asks.

" All of it." Oliver says. " I should have listened to you."

" Oliver, you said you wanted to help her change. The this is, she already did change. When he father killed her fiance she changed into something dark and twisted. You see that now, don't you?" Diggle asks.

" It's not that I.. it's not that I could see it, Diggle. I didn't..I didn't want to. I'm living a double life, and to do that I'm talking all these people that I love and I'm putting them at arms length. I'm giving up a lot, so maybe. Maybe I thought the universe owned me one." Oliver says. " But I looked in her eyes tonight a-and I can't stop her from going over the edge. She's..she's already past it."

" Oh just wait for another year or so." I say.

They both look at me. " What?" They asks.

" Nothing." I say.

Later on I go with Diggle to Big Belly Burger to check on Oliver. We all laugh a bit. " Have a good night guys." Oliver says as we split ways.

" Night Ollie." I say as I go to my place.


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