Chapter 1

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(the Scientists journal)

Day One:

Today marks the successful creation of my experiment in creating humanoid life. Subject 19, my latest creation, designed to be as close to human as I've achieved so far. She stands at a diminutive 4'11", a result of her young age. Her short, wavy orange hair frames big green eyes-curiously oversized, a flaw to correct in future attempts. Her head is perfectly round, lacking a discernible neck-a structural oversight for the next iteration. The body I gave her is closest to a seven year old human child. Although slightly different a bit more lanky.

She's currently designated 19.1, the first of her species yet to be named. Sporting sharp canine teeth for defense and a long black thin tail,with a curve barbed...thing on the end....whose function I'm still unraveling-potentially a tool for flesh tearing. For now, she resides in a medium-sized cell where she exhibits no sign of linguistic ability or comprehension, nor any aggression toward me. Her demeanor is docile, devoid of aggression. Wich leads me to believe she is more alike to prey... Possibly her kill drive is very low.

Day Two:

Today, I introduced her to sustenance. I decided to enter her cell for this one, since she has not tried to be aggressive towards me yet. She hasn't quite mastered bipedal locomotion; on my entry into her cell, she sat like a dog, just staring at me as if that would make me do something. I offered walnuts, raw beef, and lettuce-she's adapted to consume raw meat from my help in her genetics, a trait that seemed to alleviate her hunger pretty quickly. she started Devouring the food voraciously, she barely acknowledged my presence, suggesting rudimentary survival instincts outshining auditory perception. Her appetite bordered on desperation, akin to a parched desert wanderer discovering water. After her meal she seems to show me... Affection? She seemed to crawl over to me and tightly gripped my cloak... Damn it, that is premium quality fabric. She has no claws, although she does have nails. But still I don't need her nasty little hands on my clothing. I did look down at her deciding to humor her and give her my attention. She looked up at me her pupils dilateing wide... Interesting. I'm assuming that she can do that at will since it seems pretty extreme. I gently tried to push her off me with the tip of my shoe. She whined loudly at me, it seems she has a more high pitched nasally voice. Although she seemed to be unharmed that didn't stop her from wiggling on the floor like I hurt her. It seems she knows how to fake things, although her deceiving movements did nothing to make me get closer. She seemed almost like a needy kid having a fit. I noticed that she seemed to whip her tail against the ground, it made... Sparks? She hadn't yet allowed me to touch her at all so I wasn't sure if it was made of hard material or not. I did finally speak to her, I said.

"Subject 19, stop at once. Do you understand me? Stop."

I tried to communicate with her slowly so that she might understand me. She tilted her head and she reluctantly sat up straight. It seems she understands English she just doesn't know how to speak it...

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