Chapter 18

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(Kai's prospective)

To my relief she seems to cuddle into my arms and close her eyes. She looks peaceful despite the troubling situation.  I sigh and slide down the wall a bit more. For fucks sake, she's only been here for like what? Two days and shes already seen some experiment getting dragged by its deformed limbs. My tail relaxes as I feel her breath slowly again. I try to relax to, after all maybe a nap would do me well since this shit hole isn't fun to be awake in. So I relax,and close my eyes... And I fall asleep.

Probably a half an hour later I feel tugging on my hair,and small hands batting at my face. I grumble and open my eyes, to see Vern messing with my face. Her eyes were calm but they light up when I wake up... Has she already forgotten what happened? Or is she just that optimistic? I sit up and Vern falls off my lap as I arch my back to stretch. She makes a small 'omph' falling but I'm sure shes fine. She gets up on her four legs though... God I need to teach her how to walk properly or something, it's driving me crazy how dirty her hands must be.

then she pipes up. "Kai! Kai! When is the cool stuff happening today?" Her tail thumps against the floor excitedly.

Cool stuff? Oh, she's probably thinking about learning stuff today. I don't exactly like the sound of that, because for me it means boring meaningless tasks. But luckily I've got this kid with me so hopefully The Scientist will be to damn lazy to get more shit for two people. As if on cue I hear the soft taps of The Scientists shoes.

Vern seems to back up once The Scientist comes into view. He's trudging down the hallway, he has blood stains on his leather gloves... That's kinda usual for him though. He looks pretty pissed off. He has a box full of... Cards, letter cards. They're so damn old and water damaged. The Scientist walks up to the glass to softly tap on it to get our attention.

He isn't talkative right now. Good, I don't want to hear anything from him. He bends down and hands the cards through the slot. I assume that those are for Vern. Vern is looking at him wearily as he nods and turns away to walk down the hallway back to his room... More like a damn cave.

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