Chapter 22

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(the Assistants perspective)

It's been a long day. When I get a damn beep on my shitty phone... One of the people here want food. Lovely. I go outside to hunt just to watch other people eat. I light up my cigarette and take a drag off it... Ah,much better. I pick up my phone to see what cell it is, cell 34? Oh...I've heard of the person in there the 'smart' experiment. Who is apparently brilliant... I'll just have to see about that. I literally just got back from a hunting trip... And now ive gotta give some hard earned meat to these people.

I sigh as I walk down the hallway... I've got a dead rabbit stuffed halfway in my back pocket leaking blood. It's all I have...but it's fine. As I get closer to the cell I see the people. A random blue guy...and some kid.

The kid looks almost flabbergasted that I'm here. I've never seen this kid around, but they have to be pretty smart to get in with... What's his name? Kai. I remember Dr.Emberstine talking smack about how his favorite experiment is deviating. I stand Infront of the panel and look in. Kai looks back at me his tail flicking nervously. I take drag of my cigarette and blow out a smoke ring. I guess I should introduce myself to these guys.

"Hey you two, nice to meet you guys... I've heard a bit about you... Kai. Anyway the name's Vex. Call me that please. I've got your food. Don't eat it all at once. Heh" I chuckle. The kid seems to giggle at my half ass joke.

I bend down and pull the dead limp rabbit out of my pocket. The kid flinches and backs up a bit. Kai tilts his head.

"It's not cut up into chunks like usual huh?" He puts it plainly. I shove the bunny through the slot.

"Nope. Sorry buddy you get what you get in afraid. Be grateful." I've got blood on my hand now... Great. I lick the blood off my hand to clean it up.

Kai tilts his head seemingly a bit disgusted by me... Oh whatever like he can talk. He's about to eat a dead rabbit,lucky bastards... I haven't eaten in two damn days... Been to busy. The kid looks up at me and down at the rabbit and she shakes her head.

"i-I'm... I'm not eating that! It's adourable..." She whines. Kai seems to squint softly at me and step closer to the kid. Then he pipes up.

"Could you at least cook it? Skin it maybe?" His tail sways against the floor and he crosses his arms seemingly impatient with me.

I sigh. "God damn it, just eat the fuckin' food ok? I don't have time for this. Just eat." I run a hand through my hair. God damn it I need sleep. I turn and walk the other way...

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 21 ⏰

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