Winter gets intimidated

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Aspen: *wakes up and checks the date* Oh! It's Fathers Day.

Winter: Hmm?

Qibli: Why are you always here, waking us up?!

Aspen: Whoops, sorry! *walks out*

*later in Aspen's cave*

Aspen: Everyone, it's Father's Day!

Kinkajou: I don't know my father.

Everyone: ...

Qibli: Is she fixed?!

Moon: I fed her some more of the calming candy, but it won't last for too long.

Umber: Me too, answering Kinkajou's reply, I don't know my father.

Peril: I don't even know where my father is, I think he's dead? ... Maybe he's alive?

Qibli: I don't know who my father is.

Winter: My father's dead.

Turtle: Same.

Moon: Same.

Aspen: ... Am I the only one who knows where their ALIVE dad is?!

Everyone: *nods*

Kinkajou: Maybe you could pick one of us to meet YOUR dad?


Aspen: ...

Winter: I watched my father die!

Aspen: Aw! I choose you Winter.

Winter: Nice, I get to meet my girlfriend's dad!


Winter: What? Everyone knows we're dating.

Qibli: You haven't really said it out loud before though.

Kinkajou: And you haven't kissed yet!

Aspen: ... Yeah, let's just go.

*later in the Poison Jungle*

Aspen: Don't touch ANYTHING and follow me, my sister and I have explored every inch of this jungle, so we know how to make our way around.

Winter: Your sister?

Sakura: Hey.

Winter: How did you get here?

Sakura: I live here...

Winter: *notices the village they just walked into* Right.

Aspen: *walks up to a hut and knocks* Oh, Winter, there's something I forgot to tell yo-

*door opens*

???: Aspen, Sakura! You've come to visit me!

Aspen: Huh? I thought Sakura lived with you.

Sakura: Oh, I got my own hut, I still visit him often though.

???: Come in girls, your mother's out at the moment, who's the IceWing?

Winter: Oh, I'm Aspen's-

Aspen: *quickly covers Winter's mouth* This is Winter, he's a friend of mine from JMA. Winter, this is my dad, Bluestem.

Bluestem: Friend... well, lovely to meet you Winter! Please, come in you three!

*they all enter*

Aspen: *nervous laughter* Haha, I'm sure Winter's hungry, I sure am, Winter, let's go collect berries, shall we?

Bluestem: I have berries right here.

Aspen: Did I say berries? *more nervous laughter* I meant meat, he doesn't like berries, BYE.

*Aspen drags Winter out the door*

Winter: Why are you acting so weird?

Aspen: I forgot to mention that my dad is highly protective of me and Sakura, he'd go berserk if he found out we're actually dating-

*door creaks open*

Bluestem: Oh really, so you're MORE than friends?

Aspen: um...

Winter: You know, I just noticed how tall your father is.

Bluestem: Aspen, go inside.

Aspen: ...Alright. *goes inside hut*

Bluestem: *menacing tone* If you hurt Aspen I will shatter you into a thousand pieces!

Winter: *nods* Yes.

Bluestem: For now, you are very lucky to have her in your life.

Winter: I know, I tell myself that every day.

Bluestem: I also want NO GRANDCHILDREN!

Winter: *nodding frantically* Yep, yes, will do...

Bluestem: Or you will have a punishment beyond imaginable.

Winter: Okay, you remind me of my dad.

Bluestem: Really? Why don't you take Aspen to meet him?

Winter: Er, he died...

Bluestem: *softly* Oh.


Aspen: *pacing* If they don't get along... Sakura, what will happen?!

Sakura: I'm thinking, Winter will get yeeted into the mouth of a dragontrap.

Aspen: You mean thrown?

Sakura: Yeeted is better.

*Bluestem and Winter walk in*

Winter: So, it turns out my sister, is evil! *laugh*

Bluestem: *laughing* That was so unexpected! 

Aspen: Phew, maybe Winter won't get thrown-

Sakura: Or yeeted into the mouth of a dragontrap.

Aspen: -After all.


Winter and Bluestem: *screaming* Merry father's day! cHrIsTmAs iS hErE!

Sakura: What are they holding? Wait, I can make it out... W-I-N-E-

Aspen: ... Be quiet Sakura.

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