Umber and his babysitter

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CB: *Singing* Sitting in the corner, blending my recorder...

Turtle: CB, what's wrong?

CB: Lynx thinks she might not be allowed to stay at Jade Mountain.. 

Turtle: Then why are you blending the recorder?

CB: *shakes his shoulders* You don't understand ANYTHING! I can't have a recorder here and not Lynx!

Aspen: Well, CB, you're in luck!

CB: hmm?

Aspen: All the following dragons have to choose a partner to go on a date with for the whole day. But because it's the afternoon, it's tomorrow.

Turtle: Who are the dragons?

Aspen: CB, you, me, Winter, Moon, Clay, Qibli, Kinkajou, Lynx and Peril.

Umber: What about me?!

Aspen: Er, you aren't on the list Umber...

Arachina: *pops in* You got your letter?

Aspen: Yep.

Arachina: Alright then, bye! *walks off*

Turtle: Are you ok Umber?

Umber: Er... *mumble mumble* *passes out*

*At the infirmary*

Healer: He simply has a case of love sickness!

Qibli: Wait, it exists?!

Healer: Of course not, he's just in love.

Aspen: Woah, he fell hard.

Winter: *mutters* Why didn't Aspen fall for me that hard?!

Qibli: Yeah! She hasn't even kissed you yet! *laughs*

Winter: Stay out of my life Qibli!

Moon: Moving on, we're all going out tomorrow except Umber, will he be alright on his own?

Healer: I don't think so...

*the next day*

Kinkajou: Don't worry Umber, she'll take care of you!

Aspen: I'm sorry, I couldn't find anyone else on such short notice.

Umber: But I don't need a babysitter! I fainted, it's really no big deal.

Kinkajou: Sorry, we're already gone!

Umber: *sighs* I wonder who they got.

Arachina: Hi.

Umber: You've got to be kidding me.

Arachina: If you don't want me here, I'll go deliver this fan mail to Qibli...

Umber: Please stay, it's too quiet in here, everyone's left. 

Arachina: *pulls uno cards out of nowhere* Ok, best outta three?

Umber: Alright!

*a few hours later*

Moon: Hey, Qibli, I found fan mail for you on the ground here.


Umber and Arachina: *asleep in Snap's hammock*

Snap: WAKE UP!

Umber and Arachina: *jump awake, scattering uno cards all over the cave*

Aspen: Looks like you two had fun.

Umber: *crying* It was a tie!

Arachina: I did warn you.

Turtle: How much fun mail did Qibli get? I got 11 letters.

Qibli: *swimming in his fan mail*

Aspen: Ok... How many did you get Winter?

Winter: ...They haven't come yet.

CB: Haha!

Winter: Well, how many do you have?!

CB: About twice as much as Qibli *opens cupboard full with letters*

Snap: *reading one* 'You're awesome CB'?! Are these people out of their minds?!

CB: Hey! Stop insulting my fans!

Snap: *whips her with a nearby enlarged scavenger*

CB: You can't whip me with my fans either! *grabs another enlarged scavenger*

Umber: Oh...

Arachina: Er- I'm leaving. 

Everyone except Snap, CB and Arachina: I second that.

*earlier that day...*

Snap: Ok everyone, there's ten of you so pair up for your dates!

Moon: I hope Umber will be ok, Qibli...

Qibli: He'll be fine.

Peril: Ready to go Clay?

Clay: Sure!

Winter: Hmm, I wonder-

Aspen: That's FAKE pondering right?

Winter: Of course.

CB: LYNX! Are you seriously considering LEAVING JMA?!

Lynx: I'm not sure, I wonder if the date will change my mind?

Turtle: Well, Kinkajou, I guess it's only us left...

Kinkajou: But you rejected me before-

Turtle: I was SUPER busy, but I'm not now and I would really love it if you could... Give me another chance?

Kinkajou: *grins* Sure I can!

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