Halloween Special!

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Shard: I know, I know, I haven't updated for a while, and I'm cutting it fine to be publishing a Halloween special, but I'm not late yet!

Kinkajou: *opens letterbox*

Aspen: Stop opening the letterbox every five minutes! It's not like a letter is going to magically appear.

Moon: Look! A letter appeared in the letterbox!

Kinkajou: Haha! *blow raspberry at Aspen*

Aspen: *scrambles to grab the letter*

Moon: *grabs it* Hey! It's an invitation to a Halloween party! 

Kinkajou: Cool! 

Moon: And it's tonight, in JMA!

Aspen: Ooooh! 

*that night*

Kinkajou: I dressed up as nothing, because I'm naturally scary!

Winter: Pfffft, you aren't scary!

Kinkajou: Whatever, I'm going to go have some of those sugar cakes-


Kinkajou: O-kay? I won't have sugar cakes?

Winter: *wipes his eyes* Phew, pretend that never happened.

Aspen: *bounds in with a pumpkin in her talons* I love Halloween!

Peril: *walking beside her* I can see that, but you aren't dressed up as anything.

Aspen: Hah, what are DRAGONS going to dress up as? A scarier dragon?

Peril: Well, Qibli dressed up as Darkstalker, look at him over there! *points*

Qibli: *wearing a massive inflatable Darkstalker costume* MWAHAHAHAHA!

Aspen: Good point, you want to go set it on fire?

Peril: You just read my mind.

Moon: *whips around*

Peril: Err, not literally. 

Aspen: Yeah, only LeafWing blood here!

Moon: Hmmm, ok.

Peril: *runs over to Qibli*

Qibli: Oh, hi Peril! ...What are you doing?

Peril: Nothing... *touches Darkstalker outfit*

Qibli: *bursts into flames* PERIL! 

Everyone: *horrified* PERIL!

Winter: Thanks Peril! I could hug you right now!

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