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"Her trembling legs spoke of a world where even angels feared to tread."


In the morning, we stood at the beach. The night had been wonderful until we realized something was wrong. 

Y/N and Jungkook were missing. 

We were all worried and confused about how this could have happened.

Jin: Where the heck could they be?

He sounded more annoyed than worried. Hye-jin spoke up.

Hye-jin: I saw them talking outside on the cruise last night. It looked serious.

Soobin's annoyance turned into blame.

Soobin: This is Jungkook's fault! He's always causing trouble.

That set me off. Taehyung and I almost burst out in anger, ready to defend Jungkook.

Jimin: Are you serious? Jungkook would never hurt Y/N!

Taehyung: You don't know what you're talking about, Soobin!

Hye-jin and Sana held us back, trying to calm things down. Namjoon, Hobi, and Jin looked tense, brainstorming ways to find them.

Namjoon: We need to figure out where they might have gone.

Hobi: Maybe they're still on the ship somewhere?

Jin: Or they could have fallen overboard.

Ji-eun looked really worried, and Suga was comforting her.

Ji-eun: This is so scary. First, Y/N almost got burned, and now this.

Suga: We'll find them, Ji-eun. They'll be okay.

Everyone was tense, worried, and trying to figure out what to do next. We had to find Y/N and Jungkook, and fast.


As Ji-eun hugged me, my heart started to race. I'd never felt like this before—

never felt myself melting over someone like that. 

She was so close, and it was making me feel things I wasn't used to.

Yoongi: Don't worry, Ji-eun. We'll figure this out. I promise.

Her hug tightened, and I could feel her trembling a bit. 

I wanted to reassure her, to make her feel safe. 

It was strange, this need to protect someone so fiercely. 

I never thought I'd feel this way, but here I was, 

holding her and wanting to do everything I could to keep her from worrying.


Namjoon interrupted the tense atmosphere with urgent news.

Namjoon: Guys, I found out that one of the lifeboats on the cruise is missing. The captain believes it got detached during the rough weather.

Sana: What does that have to do with Jungkook and Y/N?

Hobi chimed in, his voice grim.

Hobi: There's a chance Jungkook and Y/N might have fallen into that lifeboat.

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