☽ ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ ᴇɪɢʜᴛ ☾

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t/w; mentions of past s/h, and provocative language.



3 months along, and the blonde teen was not having it. He was just about to start his second trimester and it really wasn't going great.

And it didn't help that his mom was always getting more suspicious, she suspected something and she knew it. But she tried to work more so she wasn't as nosey. But something wasn't right, Katsuki had gotten much closer to his dad in the past few years, and it only created more distance between them.

But today she had the day off, and wasn't planning to go into work. She needed to figure something out, and try to pry as much without making herself suspicious.

But it only made Katsuki hide more, he knew that she was trying to see what was up. And maybe because Kat did put on a few pounds, that could be why she was so curious.

He knew he had, and with him only standing at 5 foot, 7 inches; it didn't help his case that he was pregnant with a 6'3" alphas baby. None of it benefited him, and it definitely made his weight gain show more.

Stupid alpha, if only he was slightly shorter, maybe then katsuki wouldn't have to carry so much baggage along with him.

But, that wasn't really important. The only important thing was to make sure he kept this more of s secret, so he put on a long sleeve, baggy sweater and a pair of biker shorts. Which maybe wasn't ideal for the heat. It was already warming up to a decent 75 degrees.

Way to make himself more suspicious, but he couldn't even deny that he just simply needed to hide away and not have anything that hugged his skin tightly. His abs were already dissipated and no longer even had an imprint of the muscle that once was there. Now all it was, was the fatty muscles and many layers of his baby weight.

Masaru walked into his son's room and closed it. "Are you really going to wear that? You know your moms off work today... She might ask questions." he said, trying to make eyes at the door to make sure they kept this on the downlow in case she was being a snoop and was listening in.

A scoff came from his son, he simply crossed his arms, and now even that he couldn't do, because it left a clear imprint of his tiny bump with the loose fabric. "Ugh. I know, but I'm really not in the mood to say anything.. The worst she'll think is that I'm... well, harming myself."

Katsuki had a long list of past struggles in the past, and he could never really be himself after that. Especially when he had light scars that littered parts of his body.

"You're right, I'm not really too worried. But if she starts to get weird about your arms, just make sure that you let her. It's better to not resist." Stated the brunette and sighed out, holding his son's shoulders, giving him a reassuring look. "We'll tell her someday. Today just isn't the day, I think it's better we spare her."

Katsuki gave a confused look, spare her? "Why do we have to spare the biggest bitch around? That sounds like too much work..." Everything sounded like a lot of work now, but he couldn't act lazy, especially now.

"I know. Your mother was the same way, but you were a small baby. She got really lucky with how short we both are, I'm sorry you weren't spared." He jokingly chuckles, he always thought he was really funny, and he had some pretty poor dad jokes too.

A large frown came to the blonde's face. "Heyyy, not fair! You guys made sure I was short too. It wasn't easy pretending to be an alpha most of my life." he huffed out his nose and sat in his chair. "I'm so glad I don't have to take anymore PE courses, I would be dying right now, and I'd be skipping more classes."

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