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Things had gone pretty swell ever since the two had a date, but the unfortunate part of this specific week was the fact Mitsuki was off.

The week was dreadful, it was weird to live in a home with someone who refused to understand you, and refused to even talk to you or look your way. That's how Katsuki felt, there were some days he'd hoped his mother would even glance his way, and if she did, she'd look him up and down with a judgemental look before scoffing.

Of course, it was hard not to look when the short Omega had such a large protruding bump. But it was hard for him too, and it just made him even more insecure when she'd do that. It was cruel and inhumane, but Mitsuki was like that, she was selfish and the complete opposite of her selfless caring husband. She only thought about herself, and never thought she inconvenienced people, she assumed she was always in the right and couldn't admit her wrongs.

It's what made Katsuki despise her even more, the fact she made their whole environment so tense, she always had a certain scowl, and whenever Kat dared even complain he was in pain, she'd make a condescending comment.

But he had to just live with it, just some time, and then she'd go back to being a workaholic, it was what Katsuki prayed for despite not being religious.

Masaru had gotten them all a lovely meal from one of their nearby ramen shops, he always made sure to accommodate the meals for his son a bit. It may cost a bit extra sometimes, but anything for his son and unborn granddaughter.

Mitsuki scowled when her husband and son had all of these nice conversations and this beautiful bond, it made her blood boil. "Now, why do you have to go so out of your way to accommodate him!? You could've just killed that baby off with an improper diet months ago." she seethed, her expression sour and she was gripping her chopsticks so hard she was scared they'd break. "Aren't you tired of his complaints!? I can't believe you didn't encourage an abortion more."

Katsuki and Masaru looked at one another in pure disbelief with wide eyes, but Kat was tired of her attitude. He got up and let out a heavy sigh. "Because he's always made sure I have nice things, unlike you! All you've ever given me was pure hatred. I'm sorry dad had to make up for all of your bullshit over the years! He's the reason I didn't fucking kill myself! You were always behind the traumas, you never even wanted me."

The blonde female just looked at her son, dumbfounded. How selfish could he be!? "Really!? You think I didn't want you!? Well, I wanted a son who was grateful, you were such an ungrateful infant!" She huffed, gripped the edges of the table tightly. "I can't believe I gave birth to someone like you! I could have killed you easier than you doing it yourself."

The blonde omega just scoffed. "I was a baby! How could I be grateful!? I didn't even know what being mad was at that age, how I'm the fuck was I supposed to be greatful, thank you as an infant!? Well, I bet you were just as awful as you are now! Tch, I've always been grateful for the nice things I got from you, I was grateful for your good days! But I haven't gotten one of those since I was 7. You didn't even go to my graduation!"

"I was too busy working! And what do I have to be proud of anyways!? You're not even that smart, if you were so smart you wouldn't have gotten pregnant now, would you have!?" She stood up from her seat, she truly felt that she was in the right, and no matter how this argument ended. She'd never apologize.

Masaru tried to calm his wife, and tried to make her just take a seat, he was basically pleading with her to just let go of the fight.

Katsuki sighed out heavily. "I graduated at the top of my class, I was valedictorian, I won multiple awards, but of course you'd never know that because you don't even know me! So just.. Stop. I'm... I'm going out, you two just resolve this stupid family altercation we have.. It's stupid." He frowned, heading over to the door and grabbed his keys.

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