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———————————————Going with the previous mess

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Going with the previous mess.

" Oh, here you are. You two, help me clean the laboratory because you'll be using it tomorrow anyway. For a minute, I will be answering a phone call. I'll come back. " Mr. Shin entrusted them both, giving them a good small laugh of victory as if he had escaped a responsibility.

Haneul scoffed a laugh at him in her mind, thinking how ridiculous their biology teacher was. Heeseung on the other hand, gave him a nod as a response to his laziness.

The poor girl could only palm herself because of all the nonsense that had been happening to her since earlier. She was just talking with Culid earlier and here she is, stuck with Heeseung instead.

What's the deal, Fate?

Haneul sighed before grabbing a mop that was placed in the corner of the room next to the skeleton figurine.

Heeseung's gaze followed her and took it as a signal as well to start cleaning up. He grabbed a towel and started climbing the chairs to clean the shelves.

" You seemed bothered earlier. Is everything alright? " Heeseung asked, his attention wasn't fully on her but it was clear that he had to know what was up.

Haneul stared at his back for a second before mopping once again. " Why do you have to know? " She asked, having no interest.

Heeseung shrugged and simply replied. " Because if you are not, you could just leave me here. " He said before getting down with a small groan. He puts down the towel before looking at her. " Go home and take a rest. "

Haneul stopped mopping and looked back as well. This time, her eyes locked onto his ring finger that once had a long-lasting and never-ending red string wrapped around it. But now it's broken. Hanging on his hand lifeless and as if it had lost a purpose and meaning.

She gulped, the sight was sickening. And in that moment she thought that it was her fault. It was her fault that his pre-determined life would take a sudden turn.

All because of me.

Heeseung's cheeks began to turn red. Seeing the girl in front of him upset resulted in him scolding himself for crossing the line. They weren't even that close to each other, to begin with. And their first interaction was kind of awkward as well.

" Oh— I mean, I can just do this by myself you know? I apologize for making you come here without a proper— " Heeseung's words were interrupted when she suddenly came up to him and reached out for his ring finger.

" This is what crossing the line is. " Haneul simply said while holding his ring finger. Her fingers feel the thread. " You were just concerned. And to answer your question, Yes, I am not doing okay at the moment. " She sighed before letting go of his ring finger.

Heeseung watched as to what the girl was doing. And for some reason, He never realized how he had been holding his breath not until she let go.

It was as if he had forgotten how to breathe.

" But I'm already here so might as well just help you out. " Haneul shrugged before arranging the tubes inside the cabinets. It was better to kill the time by cleaning than to chase a man. Right?


          Cleaning up the last pieces of mess, they both sighed with satisfaction that they could finally go home.

Heeseung was more weary than the female beside him, as he wiped his sweat nonstop. He will not be remaining at school for very long after today.

" You seem fine after cleaning the whole laboratory. Do you not usually sweat? " Heeseung asked while wiping his forehead with the sleeves of his uniform.

Haneul let out a soft chuckle, "A fun fact about me is that I don't sweat that easily. "

It was a lie. Someone like her does not sweat at all.

" We should probably head out. I can't stand being in this room anymore. " Haneul whined, dragging her feet outside the laboratory which resulted in Heeseung's laugh in her behavior.

He was about to head out as well when he noticed Haneul's backpack was still lying on the table.

He grabbed it and swung it on his back. " She almost forgot her bag. How clumsy. " He chuckled before finally heading out of the laboratory with two bags on his.

Meanwhile, Haneul was walking through the hallway.

Her focus was not on what was happening in front of her right now, but on what had happened before.

She mentally reprimanded herself repeatedly for allowing things to happen and failing to correct them on time.

She bit her nail as her walk began slowing down without her notice. But it didn't take her long to realize how she was acting and immediately composed herself, not wanting to cause a storm in the place. 

Haneul closed her eyes and took a deep breath. If there is one thing she should do her first step toward fixing things is to fix herself first.

" Meditating in the middle of the hallway? " Heeseung sneered behind her.

Haneul let out a tsk before looking at him with an irritated expression.

The lad chuckled before starting to walk away, leaving her behind. Heeseung loved the fact that she didn't even notice her bag was on his and may have imagined she had forgotten it back in the laboratory.

But the only fact that he doesn't know is that she can read his thoughts and with that, as soon as she catches up with him she demands her bag back.

Heeseung was a little amused by how the timing was exactly, but he decided to torment her more by refusing to surrender it and continuing carrying it till they went out.

The two of them continued to banter until they approached the school gates, failing to notice the boy on the bicycle standing in front of them.

" I knew you'd still be here. "


this gal took way too long to update
and she blaming it on school

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