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———————————————Run away with a star

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Run away with a star.

As the months ticked by, each day and minute spent on this foreign planet slowly eroded the memory of the home she had once known. The familiar sights and sounds of her former life began to fade into the background, replaced by the unfamiliarity and harshness of her new surroundings.

She stood in the same spot every morning, faithfully waiting for the boy on the bicycle to come by and take her to school. The ritual had become a part of her daily routine, a constant in a world that had become increasingly foreign.

Finally, she spots him in the distance, his bicycle weaving through the traffic. Relief floods through her, and a small smile tugs at the corners of her lips. She takes a moment to compose herself, straightening her clothes and smoothing her hair. As he approaches, she steps away from the curb to greet him, a mix of excitement and trepidation in her eyes.

" You're late. " Haneul hopped on the back seat. " Let's go! I'm excited about what the deities will show to me today. " She patted his backpack which was a sign of her obvious excitement.

Jungwon was not surprised how the girl behind her was energetic even though it was seven in the morning as he got to see this every day. He just wished that someday she could tone it down.

He sighed, gripping the handlebar tighter. " You came from heaven with that energy of yours. See? You get too much sunlight from there. " He teased.

Haneul was grateful that she wasn't an angel because if she had, she might've reported him and made him lose a spot there.

She huffed, " Don't ruin my day, Yang Jungwon. Let's head to school. " She insisted on.

Jungwon could only huff back before he pedal their way to school.


While they walked through the hallway, Haneul found herself studying him from behind. Something seemed different, but she couldn't quite grasp what it was. There was a subtle change in his demeanor, a subtle tension in the rigid line of his shoulders. She glanced at his profile, trying to catch a glimpse of his expression, but his face remained unreadable.

Something seems off about him. I wonder what's happening.

" Jungwon! Haneul! "

Suddenly, they were interrupted by the appearance of Chaerin, who approached them with a lively and cheerful demeanor. Her sudden entrance caught them both a bit off guard, but the boy managed a small smile in response. Haneul, meanwhile, couldn't help but feel a pang of unease at Chaerin's cheerful presence.

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