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———————————————How bizarre your actions are when youcare for someone deeply

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How bizarre your actions are when you
care for someone deeply

They ended up talking, Heeseung leaning in to ask about her music preferences. She replied with the bands and songs that played when Jungwon studied, a detail she noticed from her quiet observations.

" I like classical music too since it helps me to concentrate more when I study. " She smiled at him, masking the lie with a convincing expression.

Haneul couldn't deny that if she ever became human, she wanted to experience preparing for an exam or doing homework while listening to music. It seemed odd, but nothing was strange when you hadn't experienced it yet.

They walked toward the cafeteria, attracting glances and whispers from the students around them. These students are awful. She thought the attention was unsettling, but tried to focus on Heeseung's presence beside her.

Honestly, she hadn't realized they were heading to the cafeteria until she caught the aroma of food and noticed the sudden hush that fell over the students, who now watched them as if their presence together was unexpected.

She stood tall, indifferent to their stares. Glancing at Heeseung, she saw he was unfazed as well.

I just wish I could smack every single one of them with my guitar. He thought to himself. Haneul glanced down, biting her lip to stifle a laugh at his amusing thought because not only she would look stupid, but they may also assume that she was having her best life being with Heeseung knowing that he was quite popular since he was from a band. Taking her actions the wrong way.

Once Haneul had regained her composure, Heeseung stopped abruptly. She followed his lead and found herself standing in front of a table, assuming it was where they would be sitting.

Heeseung sat down, noticing Haneul still standing. He realized his abruptness might have made her uncomfortable; after all, they had only met 15 minutes ago and now they were having lunch together.

" Oh, uhm... I apologize if my suddenness caught you off guard, " Heeseung said, trying to ease the tension. " I got carried away with our conversation and didn't even notice we were heading this way, " Heeseung admitted with a smile, trying to lighten the mood.

This is due to our break up...

Despite his smile and effort to lighten the mood, his thoughts and the atmosphere remained unchanged. Haneul, sitting across from him, heard it all but seemed unsure of what to say.

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