Love fever

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"You're needed down the hall" you finish up on lunch before going down the hall as you read the patient's records before walking in the room hearing his bad coughs. You examined him and asked him questions while being careful not to have him speak a lot especially after coughing spells immediately knowing he had pneumonia by how deep his coughs were along with a fever of 106.5 which definitely concerned you as you put him on an IV to keep him hydrated and start him on antibiotics when your suspicions proved to be right about his coughing and breathing from pneumonia, the nurses monitored him closely when you were on your rounds with other patients but you always made sure to check on him whenever you clocked in and out of work learning that he wrestled and the two of you had quite a bit in common other than age. The two of you exchanged numbers feeling a soft flutter in your heart and butterflies in your belly as the two of you talked over the phone on and off for the next three weeks before meeting up for lunch and from that day on the connection was there and grew slowly over the next two months with phone calls while he was on the road and you were in the hospital nonstop, meeting up whenever the two of you could, and many dates that became more wonderful every time that made you both fall for each other all because of him being in the hospital and all of your friends were surprised when they find out just how the two of you met when you introduced each other to your group of friends after six months then your families a year after being together and despite how exhausting and rough your job could be you were grateful for the wonderful parts of helping people and that it brought you and adam into each other's lives.

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