The Virus

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"Hey there you little nuggets!" You said into your mic. "My name is ScarletSavior and today we are going to play some more Amnesia custom stories!" You double clicked one of the icons on your computer. "Before that, though, can you explain this weird virus to me? I couldn't get rid of it. It didn't really do anything to my computer so I decided to take care of it after I made a video. If you guys could tell me about this virus, that'd be great-"

Suddenly, as the window opened, you heard a horrifying screech coming from your computer. You covered your ears, "WHAT THE FUCK IS THIS?!" Suddenly, your computer started typing a bunch of codes on itself before you blacked out.


"Excuse me! Are you alright, friend?!"

You groaned to the sound of a surprisingly nice voice. You felt grass on your hand, and you unintentionally grabbed it. Wait... Grass?

Startled, you sat up. You looked around and found a man next to you, surprised at how fast you sat up. "Are you alright?" He asked, a hint of concern in his voice. You realized he was wearing a poker face mask, covering his face. The only thing visible on his face was his mouth.

You groaned as your head started spinning. You put a hand on your head and asked, "Where am I?" An idea popped into your head. You turned your head to the masked man and asked, "Did you kidnap me?"

"N-No! Of course not!" He said, putting his hands up innocently. "That's a low thing to do! I just found myself here when you suddenly fell from the sky!"

"T-THE SKY?!" You looked up. "How is that even possible?! I should be dead!"

"That's what I'd like to know." He crossed his arms in front of you.

"Oh, so you some how think this is my fault?! I'm a victim like you!"

"Well who else is around here that might know what the fuck is going on?!"

"Excuse me?" You both turn your heads to the side and find a teenage girl with brilliant blue eyes and pink hair that was cut just below her shoulders. She wore an orange tank top and tan colored pants. She looked exactly like a girl you'd find in an anime or video game. "Are you two new around here? I haven't seen you before."

"Question," The man said, getting up. "Have you ever thought about wearing something a bit more revealing?" You got up and pinched his ear. "Ow ow ow ow ow!"

"Shut up!" You hissed. You looked back at the girl and smiled. "Yes, we aren't exactly aware of where we are. Could you tell us?"

She smiled and nodded. "You're in Scander Village."

You and the man looked at her like she was insane. "Scander Village?" You said simultaneously.

"Yup." She held her brilliant smile as she said, "You two must be from the real world. You're in the PC video game Virusity."

Virus Insanity ~ CryxReaderWhere stories live. Discover now