Immortal Savior

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You sigh, "I guess I'll go back to camp." You mutter. You turn around and start walking. "Maybe I can wake the others and ask if they want to help me search for Buro."

As you walk, you realize that it was strangely quiet. No leaves rustled, no crickets chattered, no owls questioned you; nothing but the sound of your footsteps. 

"This is giving me the creeps," You say in a low whisper. You strain your eyes forward, hoping to get at least another inch of the view ahead, "Shouldn't I be back at camp by now?"

You sigh and continue walking forward, hugging yourself for comfort. Why did you feel so uncomfortable? It felt as if the fog itself was staring at you.

You gasp as you heard a twig snap. You look under you and sigh in relief when you notice a broken wooden stick under you.

"You're just trying to scare yourself, (y/n)." You continue forward, suddenly remembering that you never really told everyone your real name. Would it matter if you told them or not? You call them by their YouTube names... Then again, you know their real names. They barely know anything about you.

While you were in the middle of your thoughts, you felt a sudden gust of wind. You shut your eyes closed. When the strange wind passed, you open your eyes and gasp. You were back at camp... But you wish you stayed in the forest.

There in front of you was Pewds, Cry, Nova, and Toby, lying on the ground, blood covering the grass, their clothes, and skin. You gaped in horror as you realized a pool of blood was on top of the once roaring fire pit.

You scream and stumble backward, falling in the process. Too scared to make any more movements, you shut your eyes closed with your arms over your head. Someone, anyone! Wake me up from this horrible nightmare!


Cry groaned and opened his eyes. He sat up and looked around... You weren't in the area. 

"Scarlet?" He stood up, his senses suddenly alert, "Scarlet!" He looked around. Nothing.

He walked up to Pewds and shook  him, "Dude, wake up!"

Pewds groaned, "Stop it, Marzia. Five more minutes."

Cry rolled his eyes, "PEWDS! WAKE UP!"

Pewds shot up, fear on his face. He looked to his left and sighed in relief when he saw Cry, "Geez, Cry, you scared me!"

"Forget that," Cry said as he helped Pewds stand, "Scarlet is missing."

Pewds' face turned serious, "I'll wake up the others."


The girl that worked for Virus Cry walked up to you and smiled. You were on the floor, eyes closed with a painful expression across your face. She got on her knees and ran her hand over your (h/c) hair.

"I shall do anything for the master," Her smile disappeared, "You are lucky the master is still in love with you." She took her hand off your hair and placed the tip of her index finger on top of your forehead. Suddenly, she disappeared.


You open your eyes. You groan and sit up, realizing that you weren't lying on the grass, "Was that all a dream?"

"So, you're finally awake."

You gasp, "W-who are you?"

"I am you. I'm Virus Scarlet."

Your eyes widened. You realized you were in a black room. Nothing under you, above you, around you... Nothing but black. "Where am I?!" You clench your teeth, "Where did you take me?!"

"Nowhere," She chuckled, "I simply pushed your conscience aside. I merged with you... Not permanently, though. Master wouldn't like that..."

You give a confused look, "Who's 'master'?"

"My master is Virus Cry, of course." Suddenly, she gasped.

"What?! What's happening?!"

"Shut up!" Suddenly, you saw a bright light and blacked out.


"Scarlet!" Cry looked around. The group continued forward, when suddenly they saw a thick fog in front of them.

"Wait!" Nova cried, "Don't go into the fog!"

Everyone turned to him. "Why not?" Toby asked.

"That's not normal fog," Nova explained, "If you go into that fog for too long you'll collapse and start having nightmares. It's called the Night Effect."

Cry turned towards the fog, "Scarlet might have gone in there, though..."

"Wait..." Pewds strained his ear, "Do you hear that?" Everyone tried to listen to what Pewds was hearing. It was footsteps... And they were getting closer and closer. Everyone turned towards the fog. soon, a figure appeared in the fog.

Cry grabbed the handle of his sword, Pewds grabbed his knives, Toby readied his spear, and Nova took out his wand. Nova's a magician as well...

A guy walked out of the fog, carrying a familiar girl in his arms.

Pewds squinted his eyes on the guy, "Is that-"

"Scarlet!" Cry looked over at the man, "What happened?"

"Hi to you, too?" He looked over at Nova and smiled, "Hey. Been a while."

Nova smiled back at him, "It has been. How've you been, Immortal?"

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 13, 2019 ⏰

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