The Darkness

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"HYA!" Cry sliced through the mushroom shaped monster and it collapsed, soon disappearing, leaving items and gems in it's midst. You are level sixteen, Pewds and Toby are seventeen, and Cry is nineteen. In other words, you were the lowest level. Good news, though, your healing ability is better. You can now heal twenty-three health back.

"Geez." You sigh. "I wish I chose to be a swordsman instead."

"Well, that's too fucking bad."

You puff your cheeks out. "You're so mean, Cry!"

"You know it." He says with a chuckle. The two of you start bickering as Toby and Pewds hang out behind you two.

"They won't ever stop bickering, will they?"

Pewds shrugged. "Whats can you do? It's young love."

"WE ARE NOT IN LOVE." You and Cry yell.

Toby and Pewds smirk. "Yeah, right." Pewds chuckled.

"I would never like a guy when I've never seen his face!"

"Why would I like a simple-minded, hard-headed girl?"

"I am NOT hard-headed, or simple-minded!" You yell at Cry. "If anything, YOU are the hard-headed one!"

"What?! Name one time you thought I was hard-headed!"

"RIGHT NOW!" The two of you continued to bicker nonstop.

"This is getting old." Pewds groaned.

"Not to them." Toby said, checking his watch. "It's getting late. We have to camp out."

"I'll try and break these two apart." Pewds sighed. He walked up to the two of you as Toby looked around the area.


It was down to you and Cry. The four of you were sitting in the woods, camping out. A roaring fire was in the middle of the four of you as you sat on the logs.

You guys decided to take shifts on keeping watch. the order would be decided by playing Rock, Paper, Scissors. Pewds was last to keep watch. Toby was third. You and Cry were about to find out who would keep watch first.

"Rock! Paper! Scissors!" Cry threw a rock, while you threw scissors.

"Dammit." You groan. "I guess I'm keeping watch first."

"Well." Pewds said, looking at the sky. "I'd say we should start resting. It's pretty dark."

"I'll start my watch, then." You take out your wand and ask, "How long is each shift?"

"I'd say about an hour each is fair." Pewds yawned. "Night."

"Night." You sigh. You sit on a rock and pull your legs closer to your body as everyone behind you shuffled, trying to get comfortable on the ground.


The man smirked. "Send them."

The girl nodded. "As you wish."


You gave a small yelp as you heard the leaves rustle with the wind. "It's just the wind." You told yourself. It's only been twenty minutes, but you were scared out of your mind.


You yelp and turn around, wand pointing to the person behind you. "Oh..." You sigh and lower your wand. It was only Cry. "Sorry."

"It's fine." He said as you sat back down on the rock. He squeezed onto the rock, sitting right next to you. "Something wrong? You seem a bit uneasy."

Virus Insanity ~ CryxReaderWhere stories live. Discover now