Save Your Tears

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"Dammit, Cry!" Cry laughed as you pouted. The two of you were just outside of a village, trying to see who can kill the most monsters. "That was my kill! Not fair!"

"All's fair in love and war!" He laughed.

You inflate your cheek and look around. You heard a squeak and find Buro on top of a hill, calling you.

You smile. "Buro!" You run up to him and scoop him into your arms. You turn around to go back to Cry but you felt yourself being tackled to the ground. After regaining yourself you look up and blush. "Cry! What the heck!"

Cry laughed. He was on top of you, his masked face close to yours.

Cry reached up to his face with one hand and slipped his mask off. You watched as he uncovered what was behind his mask. He had blue eyes and a brilliant smile across his face. His smile seemed to mock you as you stared at him. It was the first time you've seen his face...

"Cry..." Suddenly, you felt a sharp pain in your lower abdomen. You look down, shocked to see a knife in Cry's hand, stabbing you in the stomach.

You felt tears come to your eyes as you looked up. Cry's eyes suddenly became dark and cold. He smiled down at you, taking his hand off the handle of the knife and placing his bloody hand on your cheek. "I love you..."


You gasp as your eyes shot open. You looked around before grabbing your stomach, expecting to feel blood on your hand. Nothing. You sigh in relief and relax into the pillow... wait... pillow?

You look around. You were in a room. Pewds, Nova, and Toby were asleep on a couch on the right side of the room. Buro was asleep on your right. You look to the left to and find Cry, sitting straight up in the chair, shocked.

You blink. "Morning?"

Cry shook his head and smiled. "It's not really morning." Cry took out a bottle of water from his bag and handed it to you. You sat up, suddenly feeling a sharp pain in your shoulder. 

"Ouch!" you flinch in pain.

"Careful..." Cry said, helping you sit up. He handed you the water bottle. As your drank, Cry said, "You know, that was a pretty stupid thing to do."

Your memories flash back as you close the water bottle and sigh in relief as you feel the water enter your body. "If I didn't do that, you would've died." You place the water on the night stand next to you.

"I can take care of myself," Cry said calmly. "I promised to protect you."

You smile at him. "I know, and you did a great job... But I can't let you die for me. On the other hand, I'm still alive."

"You had fifteen health left," Cry fought. "And it was one blow." You felt your smile shrink a bit.

"Cry..." You look at your lap. "You were much worse than me, that I know. Besides, I don't really see a reason for you to do so much for me... After all... I'm just me." You wipe the small tears in your eyes and say, "I'm not anything special. I don't have to be protected... Besides, I don't have anyone in the other world that would miss me. My mom's in jail, my dad's dead, I have no friends, I have very little subscribers, and I don't have relatives." You look away from Cry and say, "I've got nothing to live for.

You felt silence drift pass. Suddenly, you felt someone grab your shoulder, turn you around, and pull you into their arms. Next thing you knew, Cry was embracing you.

"You have lots to live for," Cry muttered. "You need to live for Nova, for Pewds, for Toby, for Buro..." Cry's hug tightened as he said, "You need to live for me." You felt tears come to your eyes, "I need you... You're important to me Scarlet."

"But... But why me?" You ask through your tears. "What's so special about me?"

Cry gave a small chuckle. "What isn't special about you? You're you... That's what's so special about you." Cry took a pause before saying, "I know I might make fun of you... And I might fight with you sometimes, but you really are important to me. Just know, if anything ever happens to you, I'll be pissed." You laughed a bit, causing Cry to smile. "I'm glad you saved my life... But I'm over joyed that you're still alive."

You nod. You hug Cry as he said, "Don't cry, alright? Save your tears for when you really need it."

You chuckle as tears fell down your cheeks. "You're one to talk." You said as you felt tears dampen your shirt.


"Dammit, Cry! Just give me some of your bread!"

"Nope! You got your fair share already."

"I haven't eaten in three days!"

"You haven't moved either."

The three boys and Buro watched as you and Cry bickered about the last piece of bread on the table.

"They're already at it?" Pewds asked, an unsure smirk on his face. "That was fast." Buro squeaked in reply and ate the rest of his leaves.

"You can say that again." Toby said, his mouth full.

"Can you actually understand that blob?" Nova asked.

Toby shrugged, "You can more or less guess on what he's saying."

The three of them continued to watch you try and take the bread from Cry's grasp. "They'll never change."

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