I don't want you

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"Long way from home, lost by an echo, I'd never have known." You look at the ground as you take steady steps. "I've got pictures to prove I was there... But you don't care." You inhaled, feeling something squeeze in your stomach. "Here's me overseas, across the pond, by the Dover peaks. I've smuggles into new nationalities, think you'd be proud of me." You slowly stopped walking. "There's room to believe, out of sight, out of mind, out of reach. Start over, it's no way to begin." The squeezing feeling in your stomach started to bring tears to your eyes. You started to sob as you thought about your life from before.

You swallowed, numbing the pain a bit. You started to sing again. "Long way from home, lost by an echo, I'd never have known. I've got pictures to prove I was there... But you don't care. Here's me overseas, across the pond, by the Dover peaks. I've smuggled into new nationalities, think you'd be proud of me. There's room to believe, out of sight, out of mind, out of reach. Start over. Start over, it's no way to begin." You sigh, feeling your tears come down even faster. "There's no room to believe, out of sight, out of mind, out of reach. Start over. Start over, it's no way to begin... Way to begin... Way to begin..."

You fall to your knees and hug yourself for comfort. "What a pretty voice." You look up. Scared, you stand up, almost falling in the process. You regain your balance and look around. "What's a pretty girl like you doing in a place like this?"

You gasp when a hand touches your shoulder. You turn around and search for your wand. It wasn't in it's sheath... You look at the person. They look almost exactly like Cry, only the mask's mouth was scribbled into a large, scary smile and you could sense something similar to insanity coming from him.

"Leave me alone!" You cry in fear. You stumble backwards, tripping over your own feet. Before your back reached the floor you fall into someone's arms. You look up and see a scary smile on a mask.

Virus Cry helped you stand back on your feet. You looked at the floor, shoulders tensed up. "You're welcome." he said with a smirk.

"What do you want from me?" you ask.

He smiled. He gently grabbed your hand and leaned close to it. You could feel his breathing on your hand, causing your heart to race, not sure if it's from fear of something similar to embarrassment. "I want your love." Before he could place a kiss on the back of your hand, you pull it away and smack him across the cheek.

"Y-You can't just say that!" you shout. "I'm not going to just fall in love with you in a heartbeat!" You rub your right hand, as if trying to get rid of a dirt stain on your skin. "I don't even know you."

He frowned a bit. "I'm the virus of Cry. I'm basically another him."

"Y-You're different," you mutter hesitantly. "Cry's not you..."

"I see," he mutters. He took a step closer to you. You could feel his glare through his mask. "You like Cry, don't you..."

Your face turned into a bright red. "N-NO! OF COURSE NOT!" You take a step back. "I can't like him! I..." you look at the ground. "I just can't..."

"If you can't love him..." Virus Cry placed a hand on your cheek. "Then how about me?"

You shake your head and slap his hand away. "No." You glare at him. "Why would you even like me? Why me?"

He smirked. "Obvious, isn't it?" you shake your head. His smirk grew a bit. "I'm another version of Cry. Think about it. If I like you, then Cry-"

"No..." You wanted to yell, but you kept your cool... Or at least a bit of it. "He can't... He can't like me... It's... It's not possible... I'm..." You look at the ground. "I'm only me..."

He smirked. "That's exactly why I like you." He shrugged and said, "I can't be too sure if Cry likes you right now, but he will. That, I promise you." He placed a hand on your shoulder.

"NO!" You tried to hit his hand away again, but his grip tightened. You shut your eyes closed as you tried to beat him away. "LET ME GO! I DON'T WANT TO BE WITH YOU!"

"HEY!" You open your eyes as you hear a sword being unsheathed. Next thing you know it, Cry was in front of you, and his opposite was on the ground, a crack in his mask, blood spilling out of it.

"Leave Scarlet alone," Cry growled.

Virus Insanity ~ CryxReaderWhere stories live. Discover now