Just Admit

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You toyed with your new wand. It was silver and surprisingly light. "I can't believe my wand was lost in that stupid cave." You added a sigh at the end.

"Well, you need to be more careful." Cry said, examining his sword.

You pursed your lips. "Well, what if you lost your sword?" You try to snatch his sword out of his hands.

"Hey! Careful!" He moved the sword out of your reach. "Watch it! You might hurt someone!"

"Give me your sword then!"

The two of you started fighting... Again.

"Geez!" Pewds walked over to you two and grabbed Cry's sword, holding it out of his reach.

"Hey!" You and Cry cried.

"Can't you two just tell each other you like each other and end this fighting?" Pewds asked. "Your fighting is getting pretty old."

"We do not like each other!" You both cried in sync. Funny thing, both your faces are red. 

"Sure," Toby smirked. Pewds just smiled and handed Cry his sword back, allowing him to sheath it. "Anyways, it's starting to get a bit late. We should start making camp for tonight."


Cry tossed more wood into the fire. Everyone was asleep... Or at least Cry thinks everyone is asleep.

"Can't you just admit it?" Cry jumped and looked over his shoulder.

"Pewds," Cry breathed. Pewds walked up to Cry and sat down next to him. "You almost gave me a heart attack." Cry looked into the fire and tossed another piece of wood in. "What do you mean by admit it?"

"That you like..." Pewds nudged Cry and gestured to you. "That you like her."

Cry's face turned red as he looked away. "I don't know what you're talking about. I don't like her."

"Oh come on, man. I've known you long enough to know if you like someone or not, and right now, your eyes are on Scarlet," Pewds shrugged and said, "It's obvious." Pewds waited for a reaction, but Cry remained in hi position. Pewds sighed and patted Cry's shoulder as he got up. "Just think about it, Cry."

Cry waited for Pewds to get back into his sleeping bag before turning to you. You were fast asleep with Buro held in your arms. 

Cry walked up to you and sat down at your side. He moved your [hair color] hair away from your face... Did he like you?


You felt something nuzzling against your cheek. You groaned and opened your eyes. "Geez, Buro," You sighed as you got up. "Why can't you give me one more minute?" Buro squeaked as a reply. You sigh. You look around and notice everyone else was still asleep. You look back at Buro. "How's about we get some leaves for you? We're in the forest and we'll probably stay at the town tomorrow." Buro squeaked happily. You smile and stand up.

You walk away from the camp and climb a tree that you could actually climb. You climb up and almost fell when one of the branches snapped under you. You climb a bit higher and grab some leaves. After that you... Um... "Um... How do I get down?"

Buro squeaked from the ground and jumped. "I am not going to jump this! I'm pretty high you know!" You sigh and stuff the leaves in your pocket. "I didn't think this through." You looked down. How high were you? Let's say... More than ten feet above the ground. "I'd climb down," You mutter. "But some of the branches broke on my way up here."

"Hey, Buro! You think you could-" You pause when you realize Buro was gone. "BURO?!" You looked around. "BURO?!" You groan. "DAMMIT!"


"Cry groaned as something nuzzled him in the face. He opened his eyes to find Buro rubbing against his cheek. "Buro?" Cry sat up to look at Buro. "What's wrong?" He squeaked, a worried look on his face. Cry looked around and realized you weren't in your sleeping bag. "Where's Scarlet?"

Buro squeaked. He hopped towards the direction you went in. Cry stood up and followed, unsure if Buro's really leading him in the right direction.


You sigh, "Buro, don't leave me alone!" You wait a few seconds before giving up. "Alright, fine. I'll get down myself." You grab the branch under you and lower yourself off the branch. You place your foot on the nearest branch and slowly place your weight on it. Once you thought it was safe to let go, the branch snapped. "AH!" You felt gravity trying to pull your weight down as you held onto the branch above you with two hands. You felt a sharp pain in your shoulder. "Dammit!" The wound must have opened up!  You felt the bandages around your shoulder start to become damp.


You felt tears come to your eyes from the pain in your shoulder. Your right hand slipped off the branch. "Dammit!" You mutter. You hang on for dear life. How could getting leaves for Buro turn into this?!

"My hand hurts!" you cry. It felt like your arms are about to be pulled out of its sockets.

You try to get your other hand back up, only to feel another sharp pain go through your shoulder. Before you could yelp in pain, your left hand slipped off the branch. "AHHHH!" You shut your eyes closed and prepare yourself for a hard landing. You felt yourself fall into someone's arms.

"You get into a lot of trouble." You open your eyes and see Cry holding you in his arms. "You alright?"

You sigh in relief as a single tear ran out of your eye, "I'm... Fine. Just a little shaken that's all."

Cry carefully put you back on your feet. As you sighed in relief he realized that your green shirt was stained red on your shoulder. "Oh, yeah. My wound opened up. Guess it went through the bandage and onto my shirt." You turn to Cry and shrug. "No biggie."

"It's no biggie?! Your wound is open!" Cry tried to turn you around, but you refused.

"I said I'm fine!" Cry let go of you as you said, "I don't want you to see it again..."

"Scarlet..." Cry watched as you looked at the ground. He sighed and hugged you. "It's fine. If you don't want me to see it, fine... But at least let someone else take care of it." You nod. Cry let go of you.

Before he could say anything he helplessly watched as you leaned towards him and placed a kiss on his cheek. "Thanks," you say with a smile.

Cry quickly looked away and adjusted his mask while asking, "T-Thanks for what?"

You giggle and say, "You're always doing so much for me, even though I don't really deserve it I realized I never really said thank you... So thanks." You smile and lead the way back to camp. 

Cry watched as you walked through the trees and sighed before following you. Yup, no use hiding it...

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