Separated by a Nightmare

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Cry decided to close his eyes... Two hours ago. He ended up sleeping, and up to right now, he still didn't know it. When he finally realized he was asleep, his eyes shot open and he bolted out of his chair, standing up. "Scarlet!" Everyone jumped and looked over at Cry, surprised.

"Cry! You scared us!" Pewds said, exhaling while pressing a hand on his chest.

Cry looked around, noticing everyone but Scarlet was in the room."Where's Scarlet?!"

"Calm down," Nova said, lowering his hand. "Why are you so worked up?"

"She can't be alone! She might be in danger!"

"Um..." Cry turned around and watched as you slowly closed the door. "I'm fine, and I'm pretty sure I can take care of myself." Buro squeaked.

Cry sighed in relief as you walked into the room. "Anyways," you said. "Since everyone's awake we should get moving. I heard the next town wasn't too far away."

"Why rush it?" Cry asked, collapsing onto the bed. "We can chill here for a little while longer."

"Well, I want to get out of here as soon as possible," You say, crossing your arms. "So I'd like to level up and beat that virus up!"

"Then why don't you go on ahead?" Cry asked, waving his hand in the air. "We'll meet you there."

Nova nudged Pewds in the side as Cry and you bickered. "Wasn't he just worrying about her being alone just a minute ago?"

Pewds shook his head. "They're like this a lot," Pewds whispered back. "Cry may act like this but he's actually concerned about her safety. He just likes to tease her."

"So, he likes her?" Pewds nodded at Nova. Nova chuckled and looked over at you two again. Now you were trying to march out of the room, Cry trying to stop you. "This is better than the drams on TV!"


"Um... Guys..." You guys were walking down the road, and Toby was in front of you all... Problem is- "The road is blocked."

"WHAT?!" You all looked at where Toby was looking. Sure enough, the road was blocked by multiple trees and injured monsters. There were signs on the road, saying to take the long way which is a road you guys passed two minutes ago.

"I wonder what happened," you mutter. "This kind of disaster couldn't have happened naturally."

"I'm sure it's nothing to worry about," Nova shrugged. "Besides, it seems that the npc's are working on it. Let's just take the long way." You nod. You take one more look at the blocked off road before following your friends down the road.


"That's a cave..." Cry said, unsure if it's a good thing or a bad one. "THAT'S A CAVE."

You stared at the inside of the cave. It was dark, it looked damp, and there were sharp rocks hanging from the ceiling. You heard a bat's screech echo from inside.

"Nope!" you turn around. "Nope, nope, nope!" You tried walking away, only to be grabbed by Pewds.

"It's the only way we can get through to the next town." Pewds turned you around. Yo sighed uneasily as you looked back at the cave.

"I don't think it's a good idea to go through the cave," you say hesitantly. "I have a bad feeling..."

"If something happens, we'll take care of it," Toby said, readying his spear and sword. Did you mention that Toby's job was a warrior?

"I guess," you mutter. "I still feel a bit uneasy."

"If anything happens," Cry said, placing a hand on your shoulder. "We'll take care of it. Simple as that." You look at the ground and nod. You tighten your hug on Buro. He squeaked, worried.

Cry gave an uneasy smile. "It'll be fine. I promise we'll protect you if something happens." You nod.

"Let's go." You follow Nova, Pewds, and Toby into the cave. Cry examined your slow, unsteady walk before walking in after you.


"AGH!" Nova was thrown backwards, knocking into Toby and Pewds.

"Nova!" Toby yelled.

"Geez! You're fucking heavy!" Pewds screamed.

You shook your head and looked back at the giant bat that was called a Nightmare. You pointed your wand at it. "Electric Orb!" A yellow orb surrounded by electric sprang out of your wand and flew towards the bat. The bat screeched, it's sound waves sending the orb straight back at you.

"Watch out!" You felt someone push you to the side. You looked up in time to see Cry hit the orb, sending it towards the bat again. Instead of hitting the bat, it hit the ceiling.

You thought he missed... But he didn't. A rock in the shape of an icicle fell from the ceiling, stabbing the bat. It released an ear splitting screech. You cover your ears in pain. The Nightmare disappeared and dropped items... But the quaking didn't subside.

"Guys!" Nova yelled over the rumbling. "Watch the ceiling!" You looked up and noticed that rocks and pebbles were falling from the ceiling along with dust. You screamed in pain as a rock icicle landed right next to you, skinning your leg.

"Scarlet!" You felt someone grab your arm and pull you into a protective hug. You looked over at Nova, Pewds, Buro, and Toby. They were huddling near a rock, trying to keep each other safe. You looked up and saw Cry trying to keep the rocks from banging you.

You eyes widened as a gigantic rock headed straight for you two. "Cry!" You pushed him away and out of danger. You throw yourself backwards and the rock landed in between you two, blocking the path.

"Scarlet!" You stand up and rush over to the rock, ignoring the screaming pain in your leg while trying to find some way to get over to the other side.

"Cry!" You yelled. "Nova, Pewds, Toby! Are you guys alright?!"

"We're fine!" Nova yelled. "How are you holding up?"

"Gee, my leg hurts and I'm alone, in other words, I'm doing just fine!" You say sarcastically. "I can't find a way over to you guys. We're going to have to find some other way to meet up. Take care of Buro for me!" You hear a little squeak on the other side, calming your nerves a little.

You hear footsteps, expecting them to be walking away, trying to find another way to get to you, that is, until you heard Cry say, "Hang tight. We'll get to you as soon as we can." After that, you heard his footsteps rush away from you.

You smile. "Thanks," you whisper. Somehow, Cry heard you, even though he was far away from your reach.

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