Thick Fog

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"There we go," the girl said as she finished bandaging your shoulder, "All fixed up!"

"Thanks." You slip your shirt back on, "I'll try not to open the wound again."

She smiled, "That'd be a good idea. Come to me if you have any wounds that potions can't handle."

You nod and walk out of the room, back outside. Cry, Nova, Pewds, Toby, and Buro were waiting right outside the house.

"All fixed up." You smiled. Buro squeaked and hopped up to you. You scoop him up in your arms as everyone walked up to you.

"Ready to go?" Cry asked.

You nod. You all start walking down the path, away from the village.

Cry slowed his pace to walk next to you, soon falling into step with you. 

"You sure you're feeling better?"

You smile at him, "Course! I fell as fixed as a fiddle!"

"It's fit as a fiddle," Cry chuckled.

"How can you be as fit as a fiddle?" You stop walking, Cry coming to a halt with you.

Cry shrugged, "It's just a saying." Cry looked down and asked, "Hey... Do you... Um... Do you like any-"

"Scarlet!" Cry looked up and saw Toby waving you over. "Come over here I think I found something you might like!"

You smile, "Alright! I'm coming! Give me a second!" You look back at Cry, "What were you asking?"

"I..." Cry took a small pause before sighing, "Nevermind... It's nothing."

"You sure?" Cry nodded. "Alright..." You turn back towards Toby and walk up to him, Cry watching you walk away.

Cry sighed, cursing under his breath, "Why can't I just tell her that I like her?"


"What do you suggest we do, master?"

Virus Cry looked over his shoulder, "I'm not sure... We need to find a way for her to come over here willingly... I almost killed her. I don't want to do something stupid like that again."

The girl smiled, "I think you're forgetting who I am, master."

He turned towards her, "Ah, yes. This could work then." He nodded at her and said, "I'm counting on you."

She gave a small smile, "I will not fail you, master." Her smile widened as she said, "Failure is futile."


You felt someone poke your cheek repeatedly.

You groan and open your eyes. You watched as a hand pulled away at your face. You looked up and saw Cry smiling down at you, "Your turn."

You sigh and sit up, "Alright," You mutter as you rub your eyes and yawn.

Cry gave a side smile and said, "You know, if you'd like you can sleep. I don't mind taking an extra turn."

You shake your head and stand up, "That wouldn't be fair." You stretch your limbs as Cry stood up as well. "You can get some sleep now," You say as you relax your muscles, "I'll start my shift."

He pursed his lips. Instead of starting another debate, he walked over to his sleeping bag.


You moved the stick with a leaf on its tip closer to Buro. When he tried to take a bite at it, you moved it away. He chased the leaf and tried to take a bite out of it until you moved it higher in the ait. Now, he tried to jump for it. He had a happy expression on his face, so he probably knew you were just playing with him... Probably.

Suddenly, Buro stopped moving and looked in the opposite direction. You blinked as he stared into the forest. "Buro?" He squeaked and started hopping in that direction. "Buro!" You looked over at your group that was asleep. Surely they'll be fine if you step out of the ring for one second, right?

"Buro, wait up! Where are you going?!" You stand up and quietly speed walk in the direction Buro went towards.

Soon, after some walking, you weren't able to see anything but fog and trees. "Buro? Buro?" You whistle. "Where did you go?"

You could feel the fog start to get thicker. Should you go back to camp, or keep looking for Buro?

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