Messing With The Watch

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"This is insane." You mutter as you looked through your skills book. "It doesn't even say how you activate the skill!"

Pewds shrugged. "Maybe you have to yell the skill like in some action cartoons or animes."

You sighed. "I'll feel stupid if I do that."

"Well that's how the game goes." Cry said, still examining his steel sword. Was he attached to that thing already?!

Cry was in front of you and Pewds. Ever since you guys left the village he's been messing with his sword.

You sigh and decided to test something out. You found a rock on the floor and picked it up. You toss it into the air and caught it so that it felt comfortable in your hand. You pulled your arm back and threw the stone at Cry.

"Ow!" Cry came to a halt and rubbed the back of his head and turned around. "WHAT THE HELL SCARLET?!"

"That's revenge for dragging me." You say as you put your arms behind your head and shrugged. You felt your watch ping. You moved your arms back to your sides and looked down at your watch. It showed your HP and Cry's HP, as well as Cry's level and job. He had ninety nine out of a hundred HP. "No way!" You cried. "That's so cool!"

"What is it?" Pewds asked, looking at your watch.

"It showed me and Cry's HP when I threw a rock at him!"

"Well, you need to know your enemy's HP when in a battle." Cry said, eating a small bread crumb. You heard another ping on your watch and noticed that Cry's health was full again. "Let's just keep going forward."

All the three of you started walking down the dirt path again. You looked at your watch and noticed two small buttons. As your curiosity got the best of you, you pressed the button on the top of your screen. It showed the date and time. It was around four p.m. and it was still July twenty-fourth. At least you could keep in touch with the real world. You clicked the same button again and it went back to showing your level and experience. You pressed the button under the watch and your whole watch changed from white to black.

"Woah!" You cried. "If you press the button under the screen it'll change your watch's color!" You changed your watch's color to red.

"Really?" Pewds asked. Let me try." He clicked the bottom button and his watch turned black. "Woah! That's so cool!"

"Guys, what if we were ambushed by a monster?" Cry sighed.

"Amelia said that all the monsters are low level." You said, sticking your tongue out. "She said we could probably handle it." You looked back at Pewds and watched as he changed his watch's color to green.

"Whatever." Cry muttered. He glanced over his shoulder and noticed you and Pewds both messing with your watches. As quietly as he could, he pressed his watch's bottom button constantly until it changed to dark blue. He smiled, enjoying his watch's new color.

"Oh, so your favorite color is blue?" The brunette jumped and turned around to find you looking up at him with a grin.

"So what if it is?!" Cry said, embarrassed. He turned back around and saw something in the bushes shake.

"Wait! Scarlet, don't go there!"

"Why not?" You ask, looking over your shoulder. Suddenly, you heard something jump out of the bushes. You turn your head to see a small, green blob with a quivering leaf antenna sticking out of it's head. "Awww! It's so cute!" You picked up the blob as you heard a ping on your watch. You look down at your watch. The monster is called a Leaf Blob. It's level one. You noticed that a button on the left side of your watch appeared. You pressed the button and it said the Leaf Blob's information. It wasn't hostile and is often a peaceful monster. Depending on the time of year, it's skin and leaf will change color. It's antenna will often show how the monster feels by the way it moves.

"Hey, guys! This little guy is friendly! Think we can keep him?"

Pewds and Cry looked at each other, unsure about if the monster wasn't really hostile. "I don't think it's a good idea." Cry said. "It could evolve into a hostile monster."

"Do monsters here even evolve?" You ask. "This isn't exactly Pokemon."

You looked back at your watch and noticed that the Leaf Blob had fifteen HP out of fifty. "Are you okay, little guy?" You asked it. It shook it's head, You felt yourself blush at it's reaction. It was adorable! "What's wrong?"

Suddenly, there was a roar, causing the three of you to jump in surprise, as the little Blob squeaked in fear. 

Suddenly, a monster jumped out of the leaves. It looked similar to a tiger. except it had fangs similar to a saber tooth tiger, and it's tail was puffy with the colors orange and black. It had sharp, stubby claws and gave the poor Leaf Blob a hungry glare.

Fear taking over you, you froze in place. 

"Scarlet!" Cry called through his teeth. "Take slow, easy steps."

Unintentionally, you heard a ping on your watch and slowly moved your eyes on it. The monster was called a Savanger. It was a level five monster and it had full HP. The only information you needed to see was that it's prey were people and monster's lower than it's level.

"Scarlet!" Pewds said in a low whisper. You gulp and take a small step back, stopping in the midst of it when the Savanger growled. Too quickly for your liking, it bolted towards you.


You took your wand out of it's sheath on your belt and pointed it straight towards the Savanger and yelled, "Electric Orb!" Suddenly, a yellow orb surrounded by lightning sprang out of your wand and tackled the Savanger. When it flew backwards Cry and Pewds sprang into action, and you sighed in relief. "Speed up! Armory!" Suddenly, Pewds and Cry had more agility.

Pewds threw his throwing knives at the Savanger, only landing three of them. Cry slashes at the monster, causing it to roar in pain. It clawed at Cry's side. "Ah!" Cry flew back onto the dirt.

You pointed your wand at Cry. "Heal!" You looked at your watch as his HP increased by ten. He had fifty HP. You groaned and constantly healed him as he got up and attacked the Savanger. When Cry had ninety HP you decided that was enough as you realized how tired you were beginning to feel.

Pewds landed a knife at the Savanger's side and it yelled in pain. It roared, causing all of you to flinch. The Savanger looked at you and ran towards you at full speed. You pointed your wand at it and yelled. "Magic Slash!" And three blue scratch marks slashed at the monster, disappearing after they hit it. The monster flinched when you attacked. You smirked and took a knife out, the Leaf Blob still in your other arm. You run towards the Savanger and lash out at it three times with the dagger's blade. It yelled and finally collapsed. You felt a ping on your watch and noticed that you leveled up from one to three.

You sigh in relief and fall to your knees, still feeling adrenaline running through your veins. You put the knife back into it's  sheath on your belt and took your wand out. You looked at Pewds and Cry's HP by tapping both of them when they walked up to you. You healed both of them once and let them use their potions after that.

"What was that thing?" Pewds asked shakily as the Savanger disappeared, leaving items and gems in it's place.

"A Savanger." You sigh, still shaking a bit. It preys on anything lower than it. It was level five."

"Guess that watch really is useful." Pewds said as he tossed the items the monster left behind into his bag.

"Yeah, I guess." You take out a magic potion and drink it. Tastes similar to an energy drink.


"They're good." The masked man murmured. A large smirk formed on his lips as he watched the three of you agree to walk forward through a mirror. "Not good enough, though."

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