Decent Friends

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You held your left arm up and felt something cool and wet spray everywhere. "AHHH!" You fell to your knees as the pain began to take over you.

You took your and out and aimed it at the horrifying beast. "Electric Orb!" A yellow orb surrounded by lightning sprang out of your wand and tackled the monster, barely doing anything. "What?!" You exclaim. "Are Haunters not as affected by magic as normal monsters are or something?!" Your blobbed friend squeaked. "I figured..."

The beat roared at you, causing you to flinch. It's claws dove in for another attack, slicing your other arm. "AGH!" You slowly looked at your watch, flinching when the beast roared again. Your HP was down to sixty-three. It raised it's hand again. This time, you threw yourself to the side, barely dodging the beast. "I don't have time for this!" You try to push yourself up with one arm, only to fall back down. You were too injured. Feeling defeated, you turned your head to look up. The Wolverine snarled down at you as you watched it's claws raise higher. Once it was high enough for you to barely make it out, it came down. You braced yourself for impact. "AHH!" You felt it's claws puncture your back. A ping was heard on your watch. You look down at it. Forty. You cried out as you felt a similar pain strike your back again. Nineteen. Was this it?

You closed your eyes as you felt tears streaming down your face. In the beginning, you didn't care if you died... But now you're experiencing what death really feels like. Is this the end?

You looked up and saw it's claws raise once more. This was it. You watched as it's claws ran down, aiming for you once more.

"You better not kill my friend..." Your eyes widened as someone ran in front of you and blocked it's claws using a sword. "...You dick." The person used his sword to push the monster back, running for it as it stumbled. You dropped your head and felt even more tears run down your damp, cold face.

You heard your blobbed friend squeak. You watched as he wriggled out of your arms and stood in front of you. He put the leaf on his antenna into his mouth and plucked it off with a small snap.

"What are you doing?" You mutter weakly. It used what's left of it's antenna and grabbed the leaf in it's mouth, putting it into yours. When it entered your mouth it tasted sweet, and then it melted on your tongue. You heard a ping on your watch. You looked at it and realized your health went up by ten. You smiled back at the green blob. "Thanks, little buddy." He squeaked and hopped back into your arms.

You heard a howl and whimpering before hearing the sound of plants rustling. It must of fled.

You listen to the sound of a sword being sheathed and feet rushing over to you. You felt someone turn you onto your back, put an arm under your neck and legs, and carry you. You look up.

"I didn't think you'd be the one saving me."

"And why is that?" The poker faced man asked. "We're friends, aren't we?"

Feeling tired, you did your best to stay awake, afraid you might not be able to breathe after closing your eyes. "We fight so much, though, and I didn't think you really liked me or wanted me around."

"You know that's not true, right?" You listened to the rocks crumble under your savior's feet. "Even if we fight often, that doesn't mean I don't want you around. You're annoying, simple-minded, and can take things the wrong way, but you're still my friend. I hope you don't do something stupid and wreck less like this again."

You nod. "Sorry for causing trouble..."

"Try not to do it again." He sighed. He glanced down at you and noticed that you were trying to stay awake. "You can rest. I'll take care of everything else."

You shook your head. "What if I don't wake up...?"

"I'll take care of you, don't worry." Believing Cry's words, you fall asleep, realizing how surprisingly warm you felt.


"IT HUUUURTS!" You cry. You took one sip, one sip out of the health potion and you already felt your whole body start to sting.

Pewds shook his head and said, "I can't believe magicians can't heal themselves." He watched as you tried taking another sip, only to cry out in pain once again.

"They can at least buff themselves." Toby shrugged. You overheard him and took out your wand.

"Armory!" You nod in satisfaction and put your wand back in it's sheath. You take another sip. "IT STILL STINGS!" It was a bit more bearable, so you took one more sip, only to cry in pain once more.

"Well, that's what you get." Cry said as he walked into the room, two more health potions in his hands, "Missy."

"Well, why don't YOU try drinking a health potion after this many injuries?!" You look back at the glass potion and sighed when you saw the amount. "Isn't there another way to do this?"

"Nope!" Cry sat on a chair next to your bed. "Drink up!" You inflated your cheeks and took a sip.

"IT BUUUURNS!" Cry simply smiled as you tried to drink your health potion.

"They're getting along better than usual." Toby whispered into Pewds' ear.

"Maybe something happened last night that we don't know about?" They watched as you noticed Cry was smiling at you when you were screaming in pain, so you smirk back and pinch his ear.

"Ow! What was that for?!" He laughed. You stuck your tongue out at him and laughed as well.

"Yup, something happened." Toby and Pewds said simultaneously.


"That girl is still alive." The masked man said as the mirror turned back to his reflection.

A girl walked up behind him. "What do we do, Master?"

The man thought about it. "We'll have to speed things up. Cry is already level seven."

The girl nodded. "As you wish."

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