What is Love?

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"How's Scarlet?" Pewds asked as he walked into the room. Last night everyone went over to the next village, Nova coming along. It's already morning and you still refused to wake up.

"She won't wake up." Cry muttered. The blob squeaked, a worried look spread across it's face as it's antenna drooped a little.

"At least she's still breathing," Toby said, his head in the palm of his hand. He looked over at Nova. "What's her health?"

Nova tapped your shoulder and looked at his watch. "It's still at five."

Pewds sat on the other bed and asked, "Shouldn't her health have rose by now?"

Cry nodded, "It's strange," He looked over at Nova. "What was that thing anyways?"

"It was a level twenty-five haunter. It's extremely rare to come across. It's called Darkness," Nova looked over at you and said, "They aren't known as a monster, but as a virus. Right before you die, when you have one health left, it teleports you over to the virus." Nova put a hand on his forehead and said, "It reads the person's DNA and looks. After that, it sends you over." Nova looked at Cry and said, "Did you know that viruses can also try and combine themselves with the original person?"

"This is too much information, Nova." Pewds said, feeling a bit uneasy now.

"Sorry," Nova said, scratching the back of his head. "I've been doing a little detective work and found out a lot."

"Why isn't her health rising?" Toby asked. "Usually it'd get better after some rest. She also can't drink any health potions like this."

"That I'm not sure." Nova said as he placed a hand on your forehead and immediately pulled back. "She has a fever!"

"What?!" Cry placed a hand on your forehead. He felt heat seep into his skin. "He's right..." He took his hand off your head and said, "It's pretty bad, too."

"What are we going to do?" Toby asked.

"Nothing we can do but wait for her to get better," Pewds shrugged. "I'll see if they sell any medicine in the potion store." Pewdie walked out of the hotel room.

Nova sighed and got up, grabbing a bowl in the hotel room. "I'll get some cold water from a nearby river." He walked out after Pewds.

"I..." Toby said slowly getting up. "I'll... I'll follow... Pewds." Cry watched as Toby walked out of the room after Nova. Cry sighed and tightened his mask's string.

"Cry?" Cry turned back to you and was relieved to see your [eye color] eyes.

"Are you alright, Scarlet?"

You shake your head, "I feel horrible... And cold."

Cry chuckled a bit, causing you to smile. His grin disappeared as he stared at you. "I'm sorry I couldn't protect you."

You smile and shake your head, "It's not your fault. I have to learn how to defend myself. I can't rely on others."

Now Cry shook his head, "It's okay to rely on others sometimes. Besides, I know that Haunters are weak against magic."

You nod, "That's true... But that's not it." You avoid Cry's eyes and say, "When I looked at the shadow... I saw... I saw my mom and... I felt fear just take over me. She always said I was a monster, because my dad died trying to save me when I was little." You felt tears come to your eyes. "My mom never beat me, but she always ignored me. Whenever I did something wrong she'd just say what a horrible child I was. One day... She got drunk. She slapped me and kicked me... The next day my mom pretended nothing happened, even though I had bruises and scars all over me." You felt your heart ache as you said, "My mom truly hated me..." You look back at Cry. "What does love feel like, Cry? Please tell me." You slowly shake your head, "Because I don't know..." You choke.

Cry held your hand as you quietly sobbed. How could Cry tell you what love felt like?


Cry watched as you silently slept, a sad expression painted across your face. He moved his mask out of the way and wiped the tears in his eyes. "Fuck." He whispered. He tightened his mask back in place.

He felt a small breeze bow against the back of his neck. He turned around and his eyes widened. "You're..."

The masked man smirked. "Yup," He removed his mask, revealing cold, dark blue eyes. "I am virus Cry."

Virus Insanity ~ CryxReaderWhere stories live. Discover now