Before All This

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"What do you want?" Cry growled, hand on the handle of his sword.

"Relax," Virus Cry said calmly, tying the mask back on. "I'm not here to kill you."

"Then what do you want?" Cry watched as his evil look alike smirked and trailed his eyes to else where. Cry followed his eyes over to... you. His eyes widened. He turned back to Virus Cry. "Why do you want Scarlet?"

He turned his head back to Cry. "Must I have a reason? I simply want her." He tried taking a step towards you when he heard the sound of a blade being unsheathed. He felt the tip of the sword on his neck, making him stop in his tracks.

"You will not  touch Scarlet," Cry growled. "If you try to place even a finger on her I will kill you."

"You won't be able to kill me." Virus Cry said with a straight face. "You're only level twenty."

"Never know unless I try," Cry replied daringly.

Cry's virus seemed to take his options into consideration. He shrugged. "Alright. I'll leave... for now. I'll return for her one day." He gave a vicious smile and said, "Next time, I won't go down without a fight." He started to pixelate as a slight breeze blew. "Mark my words, Cry." Then he disappeared.

Cry held his stance before sheathing his sword. "I'll be ready." Cry turned back to you as you remained asleep, unaware of what just happened. "I won't let you take Scarlet."


You woke up, feeling a damp towel on your forehead. You sat up, feeling better than when you last woke up.


Suddenly, your senses snapped awake. You look to your right and see Cry resting his head on the bed, sound asleep. You turn the other way and find Pewds, Toby and- "NOVA?!" You sat up. "No way! When did you get here?! Do I look indecent?! I-" You suddenly remember the shadow that surrounded you. You look at Pewds and Toby. "What happened?"

Pewds smiled and Toby... well... was already smiling. "You passed out," Pewds explained. "Nova here saved you... surprisingly." Pewds gestured to James.

"Hey!" James said. "I can be the hero if I try!"

You chuckle. "Well, thank you Nova," you smile. "I appreciate it."

Nova scratched the back of his neck, blushing a bit. "Yeah, well... Don't worry about it." You giggle.

You look back at Cry. He was sound asleep. You take a closer look and notice that he's holding the handle of his unsheathed sword. His grip of the handle was so tight, his knuckles were white. "Did something happen to Cry?" You ask in a mutter.

"I'm not sure," Toby said. "He was like this when we got here."

You started getting the idea that something bad happened while you were asleep.

You place a hand on Cry's head and run your thumb over his hair. "We should just let him sleep then." You say with a straight face. "I think he deserves it." You take your hand off of Cry and look over at a smiling Pewds, Toby and Nova. "W-What?"

"You like Cry!" Nova exclaimed.

You felt your face turn red. "N-NO I DON'T!" You cross your arms. "He's an idiot! Besides, he's mean! Why would I like someone who's mean to me?!" Everyone laughed. "D-don't laugh! Why are you laughing?!" As you tried to fight with the three goofballs you didn't notice that Cry was sleeping easier thanks to the sound of your active voice.


"Lightning Volt!" A bolt of lightning shot out of your wand, tackling the bear like monster. He stood in place, stunned. You looked at his red eyes. They were full of fear. You swallow down the guilty feeling in your stomach and point the tip of your wand at the bear. "Ice dagger." A sharp, thin icicle shot out of your wand, stabbing the monster in the heart. It roared in pain and collapsed. You fell to your knees as the bear disappeared, leaving bear skin and gems in it's place. You take a deep breath and grab your items, tossing them in your bag.

It was around six forty p.m. and you decided to train. You were just outside of town. The monsters were at the range of level twenty, and you were level nine-teen.

You looked around. No monsters yet.

You sigh and sit on the road. You heard a squeak and looked next to you. "Hey there, buddy." He hopped up next to you, chewing leaves in his mouth. You smile. "You know, I never came up with a name for you." He squeaked. You pet him on the back.

Before all this happened, you had a YouTube channel... And not a very successful one. You had about fifty subscribers... so why were you part of this? You weren't popular like Pewds, Nova, or Tobuscus. Not even Cry. Why do you have to go through all this, and why did that shadow aim for only you? What's so special about you? You're just... (y/n). A girl who was afraid of trusting people; afraid to hurt them. That's the reason why you live alone.

You felt something snuggle into your hand. You realized you stopped petting the leaf blob. You smile as he looked back at you and squeaked. "How about I call you Buro?" He squeaked happily in reply. You smile and pick him up, hugging him. "I hope you never leave..."

Suddenly, you hear a loud croak next to you. You look to your right and find a giant, green toad with huge, red eyes. It had green spikes running down it's back and it spiked up when the frog noticed you. You stand up, Buro still in your right arm. You look at your watch. A level twenty one Frigget.

You looked up when you heard it croak again. You watched as it's tongue darted out of it's mouth, aiming for you. You quickly threw yourself backwards, out of the tongue's reach. It's tongue darted back into it's mouth as you looked at your watch again, pressing the button on the side. It uses it's tongue to capture prey...

"Obviously," you mutter. You ready your wand and point it at the frog. "Freeze!" A cold mist escaped the tip of your wand, quickly spreading, aiming for the Frigget.

(Finally a new update!!!)

Virus Insanity ~ CryxReaderWhere stories live. Discover now