Chapter Thirty: Interference (Harry's POV)

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      "Harry!" My names gets called again for the second time. I hide my face in Halle's neck wishing I could just be invisible for this one moment in time. I want to be invisible so that I can stay here with my love and be a normal boyfriend. A normal boyfriend who is able to sit right beside this hospital bed and hold her hand. A boyfriend who doesn't have to answer to the demands of the world. If I were normal I would be able to sit here and wait for her eyes to open. But I can't be a normal boyfriend, I have to answer to them. I have to go to interviews and sit in front of the press as if nothing has happened. For the longest time, since the early days of our success, I have always said that I was normal. But being in One Direction didn't change anything when it came to some sort of normalcy. This is one part that it has affected. I cannot call into work saying that I am sick. Sometimes I am across the world in foreign country that is a whole ocean away from her or sometimes I am in parts of the world that she has never heard of before. Some days she goes to bed not knowing where I was on this Earth. Everything was exciting at first but then she came into my life giving me a new adventure I never knew I really needed. If everything were normal I would be able to call her everyday, taker her around the world with me, and allow her to sleep comfortably with the information of my where about. A hand wraps around my arm, yanking me back from her and breaking my thoughts. Automatically my reflexes kick in. I turn on my heel pushing the hand away from my chest and putting distance between us. My nostrils flare with anger and my jaw clenches. Paul slowly backs away from me with his hands up in surrender.
"Not yet, please." I beg unapologetically. Paul looks at me to Halle then back to me. His face drops and he gets a far away look on his eyes. His mind goes to the woman who is waiting back for him in the UK. Paul knows if the roles were reversed and he were standing where I am, he wouldn't leave. Even if his life depended on it. He nods his head silently giving me his approval. I turn on back to Halle. I press my lips to her cheek.
"I promise I will be back. I am sorry my love. I am sorry." My lips go to her cheek again and leave a lingering kiss. I pull away then go out the door in one swift motion. Alex stands against the wall of the hallway with red, sleep deprived eyes. For second he looks at me with clenched fist then drops them. "Despite what Elliot has said about you, despite what you did to my sister I can see that you love her." I nod my head to the soldier hoping that this is some sort of approval from him.
"She's my soul." His lips lift into a small smile.
"Go on. I will call you if anything happens." His sympathy allows me to relax for a bit.
"Thank you so much. Even if it's the slightest thing." I slip on my jacket and follow Paul down the hall with a heavy heart. As we walk I stay behind Paul with my head down. We don't speak to each other as we make our way out, the only thing that can be heard is our footsteps and constant breathing. I begin to count the tiles as I walk. Each number that goes I feel myself start to calm down. If I keep my real emotions surfaced the cameras will try to catch anything and make a story out of it once I step outside of this building.
"You okay Harry?" Paul asks me in hesitant voice. He brings his hand up to my shoulder and once I feel his fatherly touch the composure I gained crumbles.
"I am..I am tired." My voice comes out thick with tears. " I am tired of screwing up, tired of hurting her, tired of people following us. Tired." I say the word once more hoping he understands that it is not sleep that I am deprived of but as in a ready to give up. Light voices down the hallway causes us to stop mid-step. Down the hallway girls linger around the doors, peeping into the small windows of the rooms. Before they can see us Paul guides me into a hidden lift. In the comforts of its walls I feel alone. I lean against the wall, resting my head back and closing my eyes. Behind my lids I can see my Halle and I. It is just us. There is no cameras, no agenda, no people, no inferences. It is just me and her tangled together as one, whispering sweet nothings to one another. Our skin is touching causing a warmth to overcome us and we're so tangled together we can't tell where one's body starts and ends. It is just us in the safety of our bed. The ding of the elevator causes me to open my eyes. The doors open allowing the lobby of the hospital to see us. We walk out into view and go straight out the back exit. The winter air of New York blows in my face causing my cheeks to turn red.
"Mr. Styles." The driver of a waiting SUV smiles at me then opens my door. I smile back with as much kindness as possible. When I hop into the back seat I refuse to look back at the hospital. If I were to look back I would leave this car and go back to my spot at her side. Once Paul is safely in the driver pulls out of the hospital car park causing a pain to course through my chest. 
I am so sorry for you leaving you love, I think over and over to myself.
"Okay Harry, you have three interviews today. Two radio, one sit down, and then one meet and greet." Paul begins to go down a long list of requirements but his voice drowns on sending all the information in one ear and out the other. Right now they are the chores that are keeping me away from my girl.
"Harry!" Paul nudges me in my arm breaking the haze. He has his mobile in his hand and is extending it out for me. With a deep breath I take the iPhone and put it to my hear.
"Harry, you there?"
"Yeah, mate. I am here. How are ya?" Right away the interviewer begins to ask me questions. It is all the same by this point. Every question they think is unique and new has already been asked by another.

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