Chapter Seventeen: Only in the park

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Chapter Seventeen: Only in the park

        We leave the building and go out to our waiting black SUV. I let out a sigh of relief at the sight of black tinted windows. It's more relaxing to be able to look out the window when all you can see is people rather than the flashing light of cameras and people looking back at you. As we get closer the door to passenger side opens. When two feet step out I hold in my breath. What if it is him or Paul? An unknown, nameless body guard steps down from the car. I sigh in relief at the unknown face. I still need time before I confronted with the life I use to live and the people who were in it. 
"Niall, glad you made it mate." Politely Niall shakes hands with the man and gives him a smile. With the hand on the small of my back, Niall guides me into the awaiting car. He places Avie in her car seat then helps Mace and I into the car. Instead of sitting in a seat, Masen sets himself in my lap and looks out the window. Niall caresses my cheek then goes towards the trunk of the car. With the help from the guard, Niall gets our bags packed away in the back of the car.
"Oh my gosh!"
"It's Niall!!" The screams from fans on the sidewalk echo through out the car. Mace turns in my arms and hides his face in my neck.

"Ello girls, it is nice to see you." I can hear the slight shakiness in his voice. The thought of a big crowd surrounding him makes him nervous. He waves them to them then shuts the back.  As people begin to recognize who he is, Niall rushes back to us. I open the door so he quickly get into the seat next to Mace and and I. He jumps into the back seat with us causing his side to brush against my arm. At the slight touch I can feel the slight shakes that tremor through him with his fear. His right arms goes to the back of my seat as his left pulls Mace and I  closer to his side. So lovingly, he places kisses on my forehead and cheek. He then turns and looks at Masen. For the first time Mace opens himself up to him. Niall looks over him, making sure he is okay.
"Are you okay?" Niall simply ask him. Mace nods his head and nestles half his body on mine and half on Niall's. The car pulls away from the curb, leaving behind the group of girls that begin to form. I rest my head on Niall's shoulder and enjoy the calmness that we have for this moment. Once it all starts, the show and everything around it, this calmness won't exist. It will merely be a memory left in my mind rather than something I can experience.  
"I was thinking we can take a walk around the city and explore." He says as he curls my hair around his finger. When I turn to look at him our faces are so close that our nose brush against each other. If the car were to make the slightly bump our lips will touch. Niall smiles against my lips then press a small kiss to my nose.
"Yeah that sounds like fun." I finally answer with red cheeks. Quickly, I look out the window at the busy streets that pass us by. With each building and shops we pass I feel a slight sting at what could of possibly been. I should be happy that I am here in the city that never sleeps but a bittersweet feeling washes over me. Everything that we had planned comes rushing at me. We were gonna get lost in this big city. We were going to conquer it all because what more could we want while in this city. It was suppose to be just me and him against the world. We were suppose to wake up at the crack of dawn so we could go to one of the many coffee shops in Manhattan, then because of my love for them, Harry was gonna somehow find me the best macaroons on the island,  then we would just pick a spot on the entire island and just get lost for a day. He wasn't going to be Harry Styles from One Direction and I wasn't gonna be Halleiana Martinez the daughter of the biggest empire. We were just gonna be two teenagers in love, obsessed with each other and just exist as one rather than two people in love who are together on different sides of the world.
"Look at the park Masen." Niall's voice breaks my thoughts. I blink away the few tears that built in my eyes. Mace climbs over me and goes into Niall's lap. He presses his hands against the window so he can see straight out of the window. Niall looks out with him, pointing at the different things that Mace could miss. As we get closer Central Park becomes more prominent.
"Auwntie look!" Masen screams as he turns back to look at me. I smile at my little ball of sunshine and I can't help but feel happiness. His cheeks are red and there is a smile across his face. The car suddenly stops, sending Masen back in to my lap. Right as the car stops our door is opened, revealing the beautiful, iconic park that is Central Park. A few bystanders stop, trying to see who is stepping out of the dark car. When they see me they roll their eyes and continue on their way. It's a rude reaction but reaction I need to keep me calm.
"Ms. Martinez."  The man says kindly with his hand extended out to me. I smile at the polite man as he helps me down. Before my feet can touch the ground Masen jumps out of the car, landing on his two feet. He smiles up at me triumphantly then patiently waits. Mace begins to run in the spot where he stands and wave his arms in the air with his excitement.
"Excuse me mister." I call out to him. He stops then looks up at me with an innocent face. "You need your coat on, it's too cold to not be without it." I pick up his coat from the car seat and put it on him. I fix his little pea coat so that it keeps every inch of him warm. I turn back around to my little niece. She sleeps silently in her seat and has no clue to what awaits her when she wakes up. Niall comes around the corner of the car with a little pram in front of him. My eyes widen at it's sudden appearance. Knowing that he has successfully surprised me, a smile appears on his face.
"I rented it for her. I don't want her cold." A smile forms on my face as he looks at me waiting to answer. I wrap my arms around his neck and hold him tight. His arms come around my waist then my feet lift slightly off the ground.
"Thank you so much." I place my hand on his cheek and place a kiss on his jaw, giving him a silent thank you. I pick up my own sleepy beauty and set her in her pram. I place her in her blankets so she is nice and warm.
"Okay boys." I call out. We have little time to explore the park and I want them to see it all.

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