CHAPTER 28: Birthday Wishes and Awakening Reminisces

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"What??? Sebastian sent me a letter??"

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"What??? Sebastian sent me a letter??"

"Yes... I left it on our nightstand..." Natty replied.

I ran inside the house and up to the bedroom, skipping steps until I finally found myself sitting on the bed, clenching the rolled parchment, like holding for dear life.

My heart was beating out of my chest and my hands trembled. An intense, familiar feeling that I hadn't felt in a long while.

A feeling that I had always relished.

After a couple of deep breaths, I unfurled the letter.

Dear Carolyn,

I wish you a Happy Birthday.

I apologise for my grave-silence in the last few weeks. I've been spending summer in France, with Anne, making good use of the much needed change of environment.

I want you to know that I care about you. Seeing you hurt, especially because of Ominis, was incredibly hard for me. Please know that I am here for you, no matter what.

I wish I could take away your pain - not the Isidora way, of course. Everyday I wish that your sorrow vanishes completely and you find only joy moving forward.

Remember: you are meant for great things.

Natsai mentioned you will have friends over to celebrate. I genuinely hope you have a good time. It is supposed to be fun turning 18.

Yours, always.

Sebastian Sallow

From the tip of my ears to my toes, my body vibrated. I let my weight collapse back against the mattress, catching my breath.

Before kissing Ominis, before even falling for Ominis, before my life went completely downhill, there was Sebastian.


Each memory of him surged back like relentless waves crashing upon the shore. The exchanged glances, shared laughter, sparkling smiles, and every tender touch flooded my mind with vivid, overwhelming recollection.

My fingertips traced the fibres of the parchment, taking in each and every stroke of quill ink, treasuring each curve of his handwriting that evoked his existence.

I was happy once.

Sebastian made me so happy.

How did I ever dare fall for Ominis, when Sebastian made me the happiest I had ever been in my entire life?

I squinted my eyes as the thudding in my chest became unbearable.

He hadn't reached out all summer, and there I was, thinking that he had picked Ominis' side. Did that letter mean that he didn't pick sides after that disastrous night, after all?

timeless // Sebastian SallowWhere stories live. Discover now