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"Every moment I miss you, it reminds me how incomplete I am without you."

Two days later


Y/N was back at her mansion, sitting comfortably on the couch with her laptop in front of her and a mug of coffee in hand. She'd been on a call with Hye-jin for over an hour already, both of them catching up on life and future plans.

Y/N: (sipping her coffee) So, I've been looking into some hospitals to work at or maybe some higher studies programs. It's about time I put these neurosurgery degrees to use, right?

Hye-jin: (laughing) Yeah, finally! But you're supposed to be on a break for a month. Don't you dare start working yet.

Y/N: (sighing) I know, I know. But I can't just sit around doing nothing. Plus, my uncle's been hounding me to move to London. He literally sent me a list of hospitals and universities there. And since Soobin's gonna move there eventually to take over my uncle's company, it's like I'm being pressured from all sides.

Hye-jin: (gasping) Nooo! You can't leave me here in Korea. Who's gonna be my partner in crime?

Y/N: (laughing) Trust me, I don't want to go. The thought of moving to London is kind of irritating. I mean, it's a great place and all, but I don't want to leave everyone here.

Hye-jin: (dramatically) If you leave, I'll just wither away in boredom. Plus, who will be there to keep Jungkook in check?

Y/N: (smirking) Stop it- but..yeah, he'd probably run wild without me. But seriously, I just want to find a good place to work here in Korea. I'm finally ready to start my career properly apart from this mafia thing ofcourse.

Hye-jin: (nodding) And you'll find the perfect place, I'm sure of it. You're one of the best neurosurgeons already, and you haven't even started working yet!

Y/N: (grinning) Thanks, Hye-jin. But for now, I guess I'll try to enjoy this break. Even though I feel like I'm wasting time.

Hye-jin: (teasing) You? Waste time? Never. You're probably doing ten different things right now while talking to me.

Y/N: (chuckling) Guilty as charged. But hey, at least one of those things is planning our next get-together. We need to catch up with everyone soon.

Hye-jin: (excitedly) Yes! Let's plan something fun. And no getting stuck on islands this time, okay?

Y/N: (laughing) Deal. How about we go for a nice, safe dinner? No adventures, just good food and good company.

Hye-jin: (grinning) Sounds perfect. I'll start looking for a great place. You just sit back, relax, and enjoy your break.

Y/N: (smiling) Thanks, Hye-jin. I'll try my best.

As they continued their light-hearted conversation, Y/N felt a sense of ease. Even though she had big decisions ahead, knowing she had friends like Hye-jin made everything a little less daunting.

Y/N ended her call with Hye-jin when she noticed Sana calling. She quickly picked up Sana's call.

Y/N: (answering the call) Hey, Sana! What's up?

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