Its all too much

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I wake up at 6:35 am to get ready for my first day of University. I'm doing online University for now as I enrolled for The university of Melbourne early on. Uni starts at 8 am and training is at 10 am.

I finish my university class for today and rush to get my things. It's currently 9:50 am so I need to hurry. I'm already in my training kit so I grab my bag and head to the car. "Took you long enough! Did you eat breakfast?" Leah ask while starting the car.
"Ik k tried to hurry Le. Uni finished at 9:45!" I say back. I try to avoid answering her question as I know I didn't eat yet.
"You didn't answer my question. Here eat this bar thing I found this morning." She says handing me my favourite muesli bar. (What Aussies call cereal bars)
"I'm not hungry Le. Uni really took the toll out of me." I say pushing the muesli bar away.
"No. You have to eat Soph." Leah says in a mum voice.

I start to tear up. "It's all too much Le. I can't do it." At this point I'm sobbing. We've arrived at the training ground so Leah parks her car and try's to calm me down.
"What wrong Dove? What's too much? Tell me dove." Leah says quietly.
"Everything Le! The Tillies camp coming up, Kyras birthday, Uni. Everything!" I put my hand on my head and sob even harder.
"Hey it's alright love. Take it on step at a time. Focus on your mental health first. Do you want me to tell Jonas so you can get some time off?" Leah ask me.
"No! Please don't tell him! I'll get pulled out of the Tillies team! Please don't tell him!" I beg Leah until she finally give in under 1 condition. She always will check in on me whenever and wherever.

After we finish a long day of training Leah and I go home. Alessia tags along so she can accompany Leah while I do my Uni work.

Once we arrive home I run up to my bedroom closing the door. I call Kyra immediately. I need some comfort at the moment. After around 5 rings she picks up. "What's wrong Soph? Why are you crying?" She ask in a concerned voice.
"I need your comfort Ky. I missed you."
"I miss you too Soph. We will see each other next week for my birthday though! And we'll be on camp together!"
That instantly cheers me up.

After an hour goes by Leah calls me down for dinner. I bring my phone down with me so I can still talk to Kyra. "Who you calling Dove?" Leah ask.
"I'm calling Kyra Le."
"Hi Kyra!" Alessia says from behind me.
"Omg hi Alessia! I can't believe I'm talking to THE Alessia Russo!" Kyra says in disbelief.
"Hey! What about me Kyra! I'm THE Sophia Cross!"
"Ye ye! I've seen you so much! Your like a sister! Is Leah with you? I wanna say hi!"
"Coming Soph! And I won't burn the food! Don't disrespect my cooking!"
"Hi Leah!"
"Hi Ky! Good to see you!"
"You too! Please look after Sophia. If she is in trouble imma lay hands with ya!"
"Kyra shut up!"
"Don't worry Kyra! I'll look after her!"

We finish eating and I continue to talk to Kyra on the kitchen counter. Telling her about my day and she tells me about hers.

This is so bad but oh well. I'm really sick rn and I've got school starting in 4 days so I'm posting less. I'll try and post when I can!

Word count for today is: 643 words!

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