Im sorry

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This one gets rlly deep btw. Be prepared!

After training I walk back into my room and aimlessly scroll through tiktok.

After around an hour of sitting and staring, I hear the door open and close. I knew it was Clare from the perfume she was wearing. She walks up to my bed and gives me a death stare.

"Hi Clare. What would u like?" I asked kindly.
"Don't act all innocent! We know what u did!" Clare says.
"What did I do?" I ask
"Don't act all innocent now! Own up to it now or we get Tony involved!"
"Well I didn't do anything."
"U know u did! Just say it!" Clare hisses at me.
"Well last time u blamed something on me, it was wrong. Wasn't it? So how about u tell me what happened before accusing me!" I say slightly raising my voice.
"We know u tried to injure Charli during training!"
"I was by myself the entire time! I didn't even talk to a single soul!" I say fighting back.
"Just apologise to her! She's now crying!"
"I'll apologise for something just didn't do! Perfect!"

After I say that, Clare storms out of the room.

I get thousands of text and calls from everyone in the team. Kyra starts to call me so I answer.

Sophia: am I on speaker?
Kyra: yes
Sophia: great. Why are u calling me?
Kyra: just own up to what u did! We know u tried to injure Charli during training.
Sophia: i didn't even talk to anyone other than Clare today!
Kyra: EXACTLY! Ur avoiding everyone to get away from ur little problems! I understand we pulled a little prank on u but ur overreacting! Like if it happened to any of us, we wouldn't run of CRYING!  (Giggle)
Sophia: well.. sorry. I'll just.. go then. Bye.
Kyra: bye bitch. Ain't nobody likes u!

With that Kyra ended the call. All I felt was guilt. Was I overreacting? Does no one really like me? Was everything really true?

I didn't know the answer. I skipped dinner and went straight to bed. I didn't feel like eating. Especially after what just happened.

Next day:
I'm giving myself 1 week. 1 singular week until I do my attempt.

I didn't get out of bed. Not just yet. It's 11am. No one has come to check on me. Clare left the room to go with Sam as she was alone. Now I was.

It's now 1pm. Still haven't left my bed. Not even eaten. Nothing. I called Tony and said I felt sick. I'm skipping training. All week. I didn't feel up to it. Not today at least. I don't have the energy to get out of bed.

It's now 4pm. Still haven't moved from my bed. The door hasn't opened since last night at 10pm after Clare left the room. No one has come in to check on me. I think it's for the better.

It's now 10pm. I haven't eaten all day. I don't feel like it either. No one has come to me yet. That's good. Only a couple more days.

Next day:
6 more days. Nothing has changed since yesterday. It's the exact same. No one came in all day. I didn't go to training. And I haven't eaten.

Next day:
5 more day to go. I'm starting to get my stuff ready. I got the stuff I'm giving away. Whatever my team liked from my collection of things. Im giving to them.

It still the same. Nothing has ever changed. No one came in. I didn't eat. I didn't go to training. And I haven't moved.

Next day:
4 days left. All I did was cry. But nothing changed. Same as all the other days. No one came in. I didn't move. I didn't eat. And I didn't go to training.

Next day:
3 days left. I started to get messages from my team. Asking why I didn't come to training. Why I didn't come down for food. And that they were wanting to come in. They could always get the key card. They just didn't want to. Yet I still didn't move.

Next day:
2 days left. The only times I would get up would be so I could go to the bathroom. That's it. That's the only reason why I would move.

Next day:
It's my second last day on earth. I started writing letters to everyone. Tony. My parents. My teams. Everyone. Every single person. That was the only reason why I moved.

I still haven't eaten. I feel dizzy. Like I would faint. But I didn't care. I still haven't been to training, talked to my team or even gone out of my room.

It's just so hard right now.

Why me? Why me of all people? I hated still being alive. I just wanted to disappear within the earths core. Burning to my death. I could deal with a face to face conversation. I couldn't bare the thought of it.


Another part out soon cuz I'm bored now.

Word count: 854 words!

Giving up || Katie Reid Where stories live. Discover now