Chapter 10

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Katniss Everdeen POV

I invited everyone from the group over to fix some problems. Problems with Odesta and Clato. They all came over, and I explained my idea. "Katniss, why are we supposed to be here?" Glimmer asks. "Well, this involves a few people, but I wanted everyone to come because you guys are my friends. And I'm dragging you into this. Ok, so my plan is to lock Finnick and Annie in a room and Cato and Clove in a room. So, who should we start with first?" I ask. Peeta does, eenie meenie miney moo and Finnick and Annie have to go in first. Annie glares at Finnick, and they walk in. Peeta and I lock the door. We set a timer for 10 minutes and wait.

Annie Cresta POV

I really don't want to do this, but I hate to admit it, but I really miss Finnick. But I hate what he did to me. I should be mad about it. "Hey Ann, I'm really sorry for what I did. I wasn't thinking, and I just had been spending a lot of time with Clove. I thought I had feelings for her, but I've realized that I don't. I hate to see you sad because of me, and I feel really bad. I hope you can forgive me, and we can get back together, but I get it if you don't want to. I love you so much, Ann, and I hated being apart from you." Finnick says. I could tell that he has been really sad lately. He wouldn't talk to anyone except his family. I hate to see him like this, and I know he feels really bad. I embrace him in a huge hug and jump up onto him. We stay like this for a while. "I love you, and I forgive you, Finn." He looks at me and kisses me. We stay like that until Katniss and Peeta open the door. "Hate to interrupt you two lovebirds but times up." Peeta says. I climb down off of Finnick, and we walk out, holding hands. "Yes! One down, one to go!" Katniss says. We sit down on a chair together and watch Cato and Clove walk into the room. I wonder how that's gonna go.

Clove Kentwell POV

When we walk in the room, Cato stands across from me. I look into his eyes, and I see a tear fall from his eye. Then, he starts crying. "I'm so sorry, Clove. I can't believe I would put my hands on you and hurt you like that. I hope you can forgive me because I love you, and I'm sorry that I hurt you." He says, bawling his eyes out. I run over to him and hug him. "Cato, I know you're sorry, but I punched you too, and when Finnick kissed me, I let it happen. I have hurt you so much, and I hope you can forgive me. We both hug, and we forgive each other. When the time runs out, we walk out of the room. "I see. My plan worked. I know, I know, I'm so great." Katniss says. "You are so great, Katniss." Peeta says, kissing her. We all leave Katniss' house. I say bye to Cato and go home. I'm so happy we aren't mad at each other.

Hey guys. Yay, Odesta and Clato aren't fighting. Sorry, I've been so busy. I might not post this week cause I have no ideas, but please comment if you have ideas. I will take them. Peace✌️

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